Hi All !, I...
Hi All !,
I am not usually one to post for fear of putting my foot in my mouth lol,I usually just lurk around on the message board.I was wondering if someone, make that anyone could give me some pointers on what i need to do to see if i can get some help from Vocational Rehab I do not know where to start or much less what to say when i call them my insurance has a written exclusion against anything to do with weight loss be it medication programs ,surgery or anything pertaining to it.
I have medicaid now but ,I have been told that medicaid does not pay for this surgery either,so it looks as if I am going to have to try to
beg for help from Vocational Rehab.Please ,someone tell me where to start I have several comorbidities diabetes,high blood pressure,
thyroid problems edema ,that causes breakdown in the skin of my legs My pcp gave me a referral but i do not know where to go from here help!!!!!!!!
Who were you referred to? If it was anybody at the Univeristy Medical Center in Jackson, when you go for your first consult, they will give you an application for financial aid and vocational rehab. I didn't pay anything (yet) for my first consult with Dr. Roger Blake, but that doesn't mean I won't get a bill in the mail!!!! Also there is a web site somewhere, but I can't find it!!! But here's phone numbers for UMC 601-984-1000 and Dr. Blake's office 601-815-1176. One of the two can point you in the right place. Also check the blue pages (government) in the phone book. Let me know how it comes out!!!
Smoochies & hugs

Hey Arlies, Thanks for replying !, I think part of my problem was that my pcp referred me to a doctor who is local and I live in Wiggins, Ms but from what I understand Jackson is the place to go to get the best care for these types of surgeries and Lord knows I am willing to go to Jackson
thank you for the information if nothing else I could get my pcp to refer me to a Dr. at the University Medical Center.Thanks for the info Lord knows I need it lol.
Im going through Voc Rehab too b/c my insurance has an exclusion. It has been a very smooth process for me so far. I had my first visit with Voc Rehab about 3 weeks ago and was fortunate enough to have my first consult with Dr. Salameh at UMC yesterday.
I called my Voc Rehab office in Meridian and told them that I was interested in the surgery and had been denied by my insurance. She told me what information to gather and that I had to have a letter of medical necissity from my PCP and a letter from my employer stating that my weight was a hinderance at performing my job. They will pay for the surgery but you are responsible for the office visits and tests before the surgery and any complications that may arise AFTER surgery. For me, that was a risk I was willing to take.
There are only two Dr. in Mississippi that take Voc Rehab. Dr. Blake and Dr. Salameh..both at UMC in Jackson. I am using Dr. Salameh b/c the first appt. I could get with Dr. Blake was next November. Also, Dr. Salameh specializes in Lap Gastric Bypass and that was what I was hoping to be able to get...and he told me yesterday that yes, he would do that surgery on me. YIPPEE!
If you need anymore information or if you need to ask me anymore questions I would love to help ya...check out my profile on this website and you can see my journey...although, it's a short one up to this point.
God Bless
Since only 2 dr in MS accept voc rehab, it looks like you need to get the pcp to go ahead and refer you to one of those.
Especially if you are going to use Dr Blake, cause he has a looong waiting list.
By the way, the reason only certain drs will accept it is that voc rehab usually only pays about 10 percent of what the bill is for.
The surgeon and hospital have to write the rest off.
That is how much vocational rehab would pay the surgeon I used to work for. 10 percent. It may be more for others, I dont know.
Just wanted to tell you all that I got in touch with Vocational Rehab and i found out all the info i need to gather up and I have an appointment with my pcp for tuesday 11th so that I can get a letter of medical necessity and i have to pick up all my records then too. The lady at Voc Rehab said that after I got all of this info together then to call her and then I can make an appointment.I am not going to get over excited I mean even if they turn me down what have I lost?lol..Thanks again you all...I will let you know when i find something out .....