Karen Barrett
Ok well not sure if most of you knwo but I decided not to buy a scale for my house so that means I only get weighed at the doctors.... My surgery was on April 20th 2004, at my first doctors visit on the morning of April 29th I had lost 12 pounds but the entire week before I hardly walked and got very few ounces of liquid in... well since that appointment I have been walking every day and drinking all my fluids and getting most of my protien in and have no Idea how much I weight and wont till the 20th of this month..WELLLLLL My tape measure dropped off a shelf onto my desk so I decided what the hell lets measure and see if anythings going on probably not cause its only been 12 days..but what the hell... ANd most of you knwo I have ahd the worst luck the last couple weeks....Needed some good new... Here was the results...
waist before-52 in tonight-45in total loss -7 in
upper thighs before-33 in tonight-32 in total loss -1 in
Calfs before-22 in tonight-19.5 in total loss -2.5 in
cankles before-10.5 in ankles tonight-9 in total loss -1.5 in
breasts before-56 in tonight-51 in total loss -5 in
Midrift before-65in tonight-60 in total loss -5 in
neck before-17 in tonight-16 in total loss -1 in
chest before-50.5 in tonight-44.5 in total loss -6 in
I had to measure like 3 times casue I didnt belive it......
This makes it all real and makes the surgery all worth while... and its so true if you are not sure about weight loss check becasue you are probably losing inches
Doing the happy
JUST had to share with my amos family
SOON TO BE........................MINI ME
Isn't that amazing, Donna? And it gives all us pre-ops so much hope. One day, it will be us!!1 I can't wait!
Smoochies & Hugs
PS I got my appt with the Obesity clinic. It is June 10. I called them this am and told them that if they had any cancelations, I was more than willing to be moved up!!!! The lady said, well, it's a long time until June, so keep checking with us and if we have one, we'll move you up!!!