Quick Karen Update
on 4/29/04 3:56 pm - Pensacola, FL
on 4/29/04 3:56 pm - Pensacola, FL
Hey Everyone
Well just a quick update I had my week appointment today with my Wonderful Doctor and it was all good news.. My stoma*****isions are healing nicely, he moved me to solid foods I had been eating pureed for the last 2 days, Have had no problem with anything yet THANK GOODNESSSS.. I am blessed I know...He said my Meralgia Paresthetica Will go away with the wweight loss, which I cant wait for becasue it is some kinda a pain.. My stomach is still very sore but every day its a smidgen better.. I havent been able to walk that much this week or get in all my fluids except yesterday I got in 87 ounces of fluids and 52 grams of protien mostly from my CIB with skim milk, and a few HIGH protien low carb no sugar things.. but I know walking helps a great deal with the weight loss as does the fluid intake.. which I did awesome with yesterday and today.. I walked quite a bit today with walking all over the place at the hospital, and My youngest had his Kindergarden play tonight AWEEEEE...
My Doctor has given me picture he took of inside my stomach after he did the surgery of my new pouch adn my new pouch attached to my intestine it was really neat and he also gave me pictures of my stomach and stuff furing the leack test from the radiology department...
WEll the big number which I know would have been more if I had walked more and drank my fluids, lol is....in 7 days cause I weighed this morning and he told me not to count my surgery day cause I had my surgery in the afternoon, lol is -12 pounds gone forever Not bad I dont see it yet but I am sure I will I cant wait to get that extra energy everyone talks about;)
ANyway I want to thank everyone again from the bottom of my heart for lifting me up through this VERY VERY eventful experience, You all have been wonderful...You have given me so much in the past few months, and honestly there are no words that are good enough for what I what to express, and for me not finding words NEVER EVER happens, lol
Ughh see I knew this wasnt going to be a QUICK Update Well I am off to take some pain meds, and talk to andres for a while AND RELAXXXXXXXX...
Oh by the wayyyy I am sooo glad I am off that liquid and pureed diet, lol
I had tunafish on 2 crackers thisafternoon and ate slowly and chewed and chewed and it was heavenly
ONe weird thing I have been getting tickling in my throat, not sick or anything just a couple ticklings a day and it will make me cough for 3 or 4 minutes which absolutely kills me...havent eaten anything when this happens it just happens and it SUCKSSSSSS, lol
Oh and yes another thing.. No one told me not to sit and watch funny shoes on tv I get the giggles and ohh I am goneee, lol once I start I cant stop, lol its terrible and hurts like heck, lol
Ok I am done blabbing, lol this should make up for not talking for much in the last couple days, lol
Your Obeisity Help GOOD LUCK CHARM, yeah right, lol if it wasnt for bad luck I would have no luck at all, lol
Skipping off with my Hula hoop, Peanut butter pickle, and pillow duct taped around my tummy, lol
Dearest Karen,
Well, I certainly hope you are going to write a book about your surgery!!! You could just about go on Jerry Springer!!
I am so glad you are doing good. We've all be following you to see what would happen next!!! One week =12 pounds!!! That is wonderful, and just think, it is only the beginning!!!! You go, girl!!!
Smoochies & hugs

on 4/30/04 3:21 pm - Pensacola, FL
on 4/30/04 3:21 pm - Pensacola, FL
lol well honestly its a damn shame I mean I know people have lives but so do I and I am not feeling 100 percent but I have the time to post I mean this is a place for people in the same state to come and talk to each other ask questions adn just have someone to come and vent mingle talk learn ect.... It is very dissapointing to see that hardly anyone posts
Put thats ok Arlies and I will post enough for everyone, lmaoo
Hugss sweetie and thank you for the compliment
Soon to be MINI ME, -12 9 days post op