Pre- Op Blues :'(
Dear Fellow WLS Post Ops ,
Just Cking in With those that are keeping up. I'm about three weeks into March now just waiting for all the pre- op puzzle pieces to fall into place. I guess with in some time now I will get the "call" letting me know when I can come in for the Pre-op teaching and testing. Does anyone have some questions they wish they had asked prior to surgery and think are good to ask? Or perhaps if you guys have a few pointers of how I should deal with the wait. Around this time of year I usually look for a bikini in my size... difficult too do so i get a jump on it, but this year im not, This time of year I make plans for my Summer and such also.. I just don't think I can with my Surgery date up in the Air. Really
I just needed to post something You folks seem to give good advice. So really if you have any pointers on my pre-op blues
send me the news.