Anyone using UNICARE Platinum PPO???????
I posted this on main board and got one response, I am pretty dumb about these things. (boards
that is.) Does anyone in MS, AL, or LA have Unicare Platinum PPO????? I have been told by Dr. King's office that they are the slowest Ins Co. to work with. Can anyone tell me what SLOW really means?

Hey Angie,
I don't have a clue!!! I have tricare and my first consult is April 13 with Dr. Roger Blake in Jackson. Just wanted to say hi, and I missed your post on the main board. Have you looked at Dr King on the bariatric surgeons list? Alot of times, there is a list of insurances after his "profile" and people's comment on the insurance. Best of luck!
Keep in touch
This is not a Burger KIng Drivethru Experiance in anyform... be it the insurance , getting an appointment, getting a surgery date, getting healed, finding the right foods that work for you, this is a long process. I have seen on the web posted folks that got approved and surgery all in the same month. I have gotten approved and now im having to find another Dr cause somewhere down the line Mine found out my insurance is not paying a high enough fee.
If i could have it MY way... Like the Burger Palace says I would have Dr Cleveland Do my surgery and I would already be on my way to healing. BUt the way it goes.. in the REAL world.. I call my insurance company on a weekly basis..asking if there is some way they can increase the fee they pay. And every other question I can think of. SO that the Offensive approach and find out who and where you can call and call... write.. fax!!!