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openRNY 4/04
It's been a while since that took place at a meeting.
Hopefully some folks can clear out their closets and others can get some sizes they need (or will soon) without the it forward!!!

WHEN: This Friday at 6:30pm!!! at Library Center in Springfield - Rm B

openRNY 4/04

openRNY 4/04
It's that time of month again!!! This Friday we have a meeting!!!!
Time: 6:30pm to about 8pm
Location: Library Center on South Campbell, Springfield, MO
Room B
Everyone is welcome, as always. If you are just learning about surgery, or are many years post-op, it does not matter...just come and enjoy sharing and learning and supporting!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or send me a message. Hope to see you there!

openRNY 4/04
anyway i still got too hot , got sort of sick feeling ,was suppose to go to work today and i called in just didnt feel like going to work....could have done it but didnt want to .lol got to figure out a way to quit working im not enjoying it anymore.
the hot cloth on your eyes is to activate the tear ducts. if you will get some eye drops like systane at wal mart and use them 3 times a day it will help a lot. the tear ducts get sort of clogged and the hot wash cloths will help open them up...and the eye drops will lubercate them...

Hope you are successful too.
Good afternoon OH,
Decided I need a day off, so am at home with my GD Stormi. She is hooked on my Super Mario Galaxy 2 for my WII, so don't hear too much out of her. Had the boys and their kids here yesterday for burritos and chili rellenos. I can eat the rellenos, and really enjoyed it.
Jo~I sure hope your eye's get better soon. I use drops for high pressure and they tend to make my eye's dry and if I don'****ch it end up with an infection that takes forever to clear up. I never tried a hot cloth before that might be something that would work for me too.
It's already hot here in Seymour, went into town for a few minutes earlier and it wasn't too bad yet, just went out on the porch to feed the dog and it was like a furnace out there.
Susie~Sounds like you're really healing well. We have have all kinds of spiders out here in the sticks. I hate them, they make webs accross the porch and night and if I leave in a hurry I'm cleaning them off my face and out of my hair.
I hate snakes too, if I had touched one like Jan did I would have been in the house in a second.
I'm doing good with the food and am taking my Chantix, today I start two pills a day, the only side affect I have so far is dry mouth and I make sure I have water and sugar free cough drops with me.
I'm looking forward to the meeting Friday, am hoping to see lots of people there.
Need to go now and get some more housework done. Love you all and have a good day.
You go girl!!! This is the start of the rest of your life and it's gonna be a good one!!! I know how hard it is - I fight it all the time - but the results are worth the effort and we all deserve to live the best life we can. I'm going to keep you in prayers and have really positive thoughts about your liquid diet and your surgery. You are so lucky to have Dr. H help you out.
Hugs and loveys,
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
So today is the day that I start my 2 week liquid diet before my revision surgery.I look at it as if I'm starting all over. So I am gonna weigh and measure myself just like I did the first time. I go to Sedalia friday to do the Anesthesia Clinic and see the Dr. that will be taking care of me in the hosp.Hope all works out this time. Kinda nervous, just like the first time.At least I know what not to do this time and if I don't start old habits I won't crave them,Right?
In the mean time I'm going to my son's tomorrow cuz my oldest Grandson Shayne is getting his tonsils out Wed. and he wants his Lala there. I would be there anyway!
Well wish me luck and strength to get thru this again. Take Care,Tammy V.