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Mtg place: Library Center on South Campbell in Springfield, Rm A
When: 6:30pm-8pm this Friday, Oct 8th
Everyone is welcome, no matter where you had surgery or what type of surgery, or if you are still in the "thinking about it" stage, get the picture! Please bring along anyone who supports you (or anyone who you wish would support you but needs some education

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or post on here. We'd love to have you come!

openRNY 4/04
Jan~it' good to hear Michelle and her husband have chosen to clean up, really glad to hear that. Will keep them and you in my prayers. Great news about the job.
I am two hours away from Sedalia, MO and I am one and a half hours away from Springfield. I am not really having problems, all the usual getting use to it, but nothing that needs to be addressed. I just wanted to start and continue good habits.
My husband is really good with Greg and can calm him down. Sunday we had big scare. The police called and said witnesses say Greg stumble and fall and he had been taken by ambulance to the ER. The police indicated he was drinking. I was so distraught. Max took off for the ER. Greg wasn't drinking. His BP was extremely high and he just blacked out. He hasn't been taking his BP meds. He didn't have a concussion. He's been at our house since Sunday.
I'm loving this weather.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Good Morning OH,
OMG I have been so busy. Qaulified for Vo-Rehab, actually went to have DOT physical Friday, only to find out I have to have a current Stress test, a current sleep study, and the letter of release my PCP wrote isn't enough for DOT requirements. Am trying to find a sample letter that I can show him so he will know what wording they want.
Have been busy working and getting my car fixed, had to put a new set of tires on last week and a new windshield. Tomorrow am having rear widow washer fixed and the seat belts in front replaced, thank goodness they both are under warranty. Then Thursday have to have the transmission flushed, the dealer wants to flush that and the fuel system and the brake system for a measley $300 or more. Am flushing the tranny at a place in Ava for $125. So will save some money.
Still trying to quit, really need to do it now, want the stress test to be a good as possible. So please pray for the strength to do it. Need to go am in Springfield, had the sleep study last night am hoping for a job before I head home.
Am sorry I haven't been on here in a while, finally got my lap top working so I can go to McDonalds and other places while I'm in Springfiled waitin for work. Plan to catch up on the board. Love you all hope you have a great day.
Susan glad your dad is getting along well , i still miss his smiling face in the dining room each evening. we have had several to pass away since you were here last most of them it was a blessing for them to not be in such pain anymore. Bless their heart. it is still hard to be off work a couple of days and come back and they tell you that this one or that one passed away....cant help but get attached to them. at least i cant.
Glad your friend is getting better we will keep him in our prayers daily ...
Talked to Michele yesterday and she has been clean and sober now for 5 weeks , im so happy and proud of her. she said she still didnt know why she wanted to be a drunk all those years....i dont either but just goes to show you what God can do....I told her honey do you know how many times i have prayed for this? she said no but i can imagine how many....She said they saw a friend or former friend of theirs the other day and they had pot and beer and offered it to them , they said no they had to go so they just left. she said it is just amazing to her now that her focus has totally changed in what she is wanting. and she said they both have turned away from all the people they use to hang out with, still havent found any new friends but that God was their best friend....they have been going to different churches to see which one they like the best or where it feels like God wants them to be and they said they thought they had found the right one , it is a little church in town just across the stree amost from them , she said they can walk to church and it feels so good to be able to do that...anyway i have had you all helping me to pray for her for so long wanted to share that with you all. I know that things could change back but i keep thanking God for this and hope that he will keep them on the right road.
Talk about her and she just called , she is starting a new job today working for Direct TV , taking phone calls and aranging for instalation , fielding problems etc .....right up her alley. she is great taking care of customers. they always love her.
Wasnt quite as cool here this morning only down to 39 last night but no frost ....anyway have a lot of things to get done this morning. have to work again today. was suppose to be off but they ask me last night at work if i would work tonight since this one girl was sick....i guess im a glutton for punishment...dumb or maybe it is stupid dont know lol .....
Have to go and dig up a pineapple sage plant for this girl that i promised one know they arent suppose to live and overwinter here but they do...I have this big one that is about 5 feet tall and about that big around that right now is covered with little red flowers and oh my it smells so much like fresh pineapple...the yellow butterflies just love it. you can look over at it in the day time and it will be just solid yellow and walk by and all the yellow butterflies take off at once , you will be totally surrounded by them lol , neat feeling...
well this is the most ive chatted in awhile , i must be feeling better lol ...
got to go tho will see you all again tomorrow. love you

the weather has been cool here.down in the the 40's at the end of the week back into the high 80's in the daytime.the other day it did not make it out of the 60"s.we are trying to decide if it is fall or
we are doing great dad is doing ok.the people who work with him on his talking at the home said some day's he will talk a lot and other's he will just sit there and smile.they had to give him extra water pill's because his fluid is building up in his body and he is in the early stage's of chf.please keep him in your prayer's.
jan sound's like work is keeping you busy.i talked to jenny yesterday about something for my dad and she said everyone really miss all of us being there.did that lady get her truck out ok?
lana good to see you on here again.sound's like you had a great time on vac.
everyone have a great day.have to go do some laundry and go see our friend in the hospital.he is getting better but still need's a lot of prayer.we love all of you.god bless.susan.