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Pulaski County / St Robert / Waynesville / Ft Leonard Wood & Surrounding areas
Second support group available now.
First meeting is tomorrow (sorry for the late notice, time just got away from me)
Date - Thursday October 7, 2010
Time - 6:00 PM
Place - Army Community Service - On Ft Leonard Wood
Directions are simple,
if you are coming in the main gate,
go straight on Missouri Blvd past the hospital and then it turns into Consitution at that stop light just past the hospital.
Take Consitution to the corner of Replacement, Burger King will be on the east side of the street.
Turn onto replacement heading east, take that to the driveway on the north side of the street (left) just past the marquis, between ACS and the Commissary.
The building with the marquis is ACS, it is the back side of ACS so go down the drive between the commissary and ACS and turn west (left) into the parking lot. You may have to ring the door bell as we are meeting there after hours and the building is locked. But someone will come let you in just tell them you are there for the support group. Hope to see you there, bring a friend and spread the word. This is open to everyone.
We are still meeting the 3rd Saturday of every month still at the Pulaski County library Waynesville branch at 9 am. Hope to see more faces and new faces as we try to grow.
Have a great day!!!
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
Good Morning OH,
Am sitting at the Chevy dealer right now while they do the warranty work, and the non warranty stuff. Probably will be at least a couple more hours. Did get them to open a payment plan on the work and that was a little bit of a relief, still have to pay it but not all at once.
Have been scheduled for a stress test on the 19th, will do a treadmill instead of the chemical one, last time I had the chemical and thought my heart would burst. At least with the treadmill my brain will be in touch with what's goin on.
Jan~I don't know how you work as much as you do, at least at Nursing. God bless you for putting in the hours you do. At least if I get that tired I can stop and get some rest, but where you work you have to keep a schedule and then keep up with your patients.
Will see you all at the meeting on Friday. And if I do get to drive, will try my hardest to get in to Springfield for as many meetings as I can.
Love you all, have a good day.
Sounds like you are well on the track with getting back to driving over the road. man we will miss you cause i know you wont always be home to come to the meetings. but you can take your lap top with you and keep in touch with us that way...most places have wi fi anymore so that is good.
Joe and I are taking the bike into the shop this morning to see if they can trace down the short in the wiring today. and then after we drop that off(im going to follow him in with the truck) we are going on over to wal mart to get some things i need , protein powder and protein bars. and will check their panseys and mums out. i need some more color right now. want to fill the front window boxes with panseys. and some greenery that will be good in the cold....not sure what ...also need the mums in the front for color and on the side of the house too.
man i hated last night at work, everyone was in a tissy it seemed....nothing was right for anyone. and there were 3 people that called in. then one of the night nurses came in saying im going to have to go home im sick, i told her that is would have to be someone other than me , i WONT work a double , no way , no how.....and the nurse that was on the back hall had just worked a double so they couldnt do it. I guess they would have to find someone else. made her mad but told her that for me to work another shift that she would have to keep standing there poking me to keep me awake. lol that when my meds wear off that keep me awake that im just crash and not a lot wakes me. she didnt know that i have narcolepsey . i told her and she was ok with it. besides even if i didnt have that i couldnt work a double....dont think i could even work 12 hour shifts. dont know .....we have talked about that at work,,,,because we are always so short of might be workable but not sure i could do it.
well got to go get the coffee going and get my protein coffee down. and get Joe up , lazy man is still asleep. lol
that guy could sleep 12 hours without any trouble that is for sure. and most of the time he does. ....
love you all happy hump day.....