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So sorry I had to run out on the meeting last night, I'm sure it turned out to be a good one. Had to take some blood to Cassvill, guess they had a bleeder. At least it was for something important.
I have been thinking what a good place God has put me in, I could look all my life and would never find such a good group of friends. It's really great when we are sharing and I hear from others in the group that they have gone through what I and other Newbies are going through.
Today am spending time with my son and his daughter, going up to the store to get stuff to make them a good breakfast, then tonight I'll have two of the granddaughters for the night, they'll probably spend the night playing the wii. I bought it so I can play Mario brothers, think I have actually been on it two or three times.
Gonna post this and get dressed, try to sneak out without waking up the two sleeping beauties. Love you all, hope everyone has a great week-end.

i think summer is trying to come back to us again.we are supposed to be in the high 80's today some place's in the 90's.
andy is doing good.he is doing what the doctor told him to do and what i tell him.
we sure will miss seeing everyone tonight.if the weather stay's good maybe we can make it to the nov meeting.
everyone have a great day.i have to go get andy some medicne filled at the drug store.thank's again for all your prayer's.we love you all.god bless.susan.

Am so glad that the ordeal that Andy went thru had a good outcome. Am still praying for you and Susan , Andy .....mind what the doctors and Susan say ok?
The sun is shinning really bright in my living room windows and showing me how dirty they are so tomorrow is window washing day i guess . lol nice thing to have planned on your day off isnt it? oh well at least im still able to do that stuff.....a lot of people my age arent able to feed themselves let alone wash windows. I know i have a lot of them as patients. Seems funny to me to have themi come in as residents , little dried up people , very sick, unable to do much at all or seinile and unable to even know who their families are. and i thank God each and every time that i see them that but for the grace of God ....makes you realize what good health is .
I just put a crock pot full of chicken thighs and legs on.....will be making some chicken and dumplings with them , if i have time will do it before we leave so George can have it for supper. have had it cooking for about an hour now. shouldnt take a lot longer....
have to get busy and figure out what im wearing tonight. and get everything together. find my before pictures to take with me tonight we were planning on doing that tonight. everytime i look at them i think i really cant remember being that fat but i can remember not being able to walk and do the things i do now. i look at those pictures now and i get really sad about the time i wasted. ...God gave us these bodies to take care of and what i did to mine for a long time was so sinful. I hope God forgives me for that.
love you all hope to see a lot of you tonight. wish all of you could come... would be awesome.
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.