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As usual, I'm at work but taking a break. I dressed up today as Cher, long black wig, bell bottom jeans, furry vest, headband and lots of black eyemakeup. It's been fun. I told John that I love Halloween but he said no you just love dressing up and I think he's right. I also put on false eyelashes and press on chrome nails - took me forever to get ready. Got up early and was a little late coming in - not a big problem for me.
The folks who are mentally disabled who are at ARC of the Ozarks come into my building and work with the kids taking Adapted Physical Education on Fridays and today they made masks - they had all sorts of craft things and the kids really make the stuff but the adults love being fussed over. Such a rewarding program. And then on Thursday mornings itty bitty Head Start kids come in and work with the students so we have lots of stuff going on at the end of the week.
I am anxious to see you all at Circle of Friends in November. Wi**** was tonight so I could show you my costume. John took pictures - I'll try to post them.
Must get some more work done.
Love you all bunches
today im off work but it is free FALL CLEANUP DAY in Taney County , can take all the trash you have to the dump for free today. so we are gathering for outselves the things that you collect or we seem to anyway, are cleaning out a shed and taking that stuff up there plus other things that we have. old lawn chairs that have seen better days etc. an old ref. that doesnt run right anymore. altho it is cute. we had it in the trailer and i painted it red to go with the red stove lol hate that it quit running right.
and then we are gathering up for others around that dont have a truck to haul stuff. like the little lady next door that is 88 and lives by herself. and a couple of other neighbors that have things and no way to haul Joe will hook on our big trailer to the truck if we need it.
Have been gathering flowers for Michele for her new house. but that is about all i have been doing in the way of gardening. pulling up flowers that have seen better days. have lots and lots of flower seeds i always collect way too many of them but then in the spring what i havent given away i just scatter all over the flower beds and it all comes back and is so pretty all scrambled together like that ...or at least to me. i love the beds that people fix that are so exact but i love my cottage gardens too and that is all i can seem to come up with lol . maybe it is being lazy really because the more flowers i have in there the less weeds can grow lol . so a method to my madness acturally.
Jeanie did you pass your DOT test???? i know you are really anxious to be able to get to work again. and if that is what you want that is great. will you take your doggie with you on your trips? would be good companion and protection too. ....
Susan did you find anything as far as a job is concerned. you know that nursing homes are one of the quickest places to get jobs at dont you ? they are always needing people.
well Joe is hollering at me so guess i better go see if he actually wants me to do some work lol
talk to you all later. love and hugs
Shopping for clothes is so much fun. Wearing belts is something I never did before and dresses and skirts are in my wardrobe now.
I was quite nervous about the surgery as my day approached but never thought of not doing it.
Come here often. This board has the nicest people. :)
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Hi Susan,
Am getting ready to leave, but had to read the board and see what's going on. I'm sure Jan is busy doing something, she has been working a lot.
It's good to hear Andy is doing better, you should be able to find something in Tulsa, it's a busy place.
My DS is there installing for Dish, don't know how long he'll be there, but they seem to be keeping him busy.
I am hoping to have DOT physical today, and maybe start school next week, or the week after, have had all the tests done they wanted and everything was good.
Need to get off here and get dressed, hope to see you and Andy, God Bless you both.
I have been lurking for quite sometime and I just wanted to introduce myself. I live in St. Louis, originally from KC, and I scheduled my RNY today for November 22nd, I am so nervous wondering if this is the right decision, deep down I know it is but it is all so nerve racking now that things are starting to come together. I am going to be going through the new start program using Dr. Follwell as my surgeon, so any feedback you may have regarding him would be greatly appreciated.

i think winter is blowing in down dropped to 45 last night and the wind has been cool.we are supposed to be down to 35 by friday morning with a light frost.burrrr.time to get out the long johns lol.
we are doing great here in tulsa.andy is doing much better.thanks again for all your prayer's.
just got back from a doctor's apt with my dad.he really likes his new home and they love having him there..
jan was good to talk to you on the phone the other day.i starting looking for part time work today.
everyone have a great evening.we love you all.god bless.susan.

Hugs to all.
dont worry i am taking my laptop with me and i will try to give you all a update each night with hopefully a picture or two....maybe we can all go together and buy a huge villa and all move there together lol .....