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Glad to hear our newbies are ok now. Sorry to hear they had some trouble.
I am still thinking about a face lift but haven't done anything about it yet. I guess I am a little gun shy but I am still wanting one. Maybe I will call tomorrow.
Enjoyed the great weather today ,hope it lasts but I will not expect it to. Farmers almanac says snow around the 20th. Humm.......
I think the difference in cost lets me take two of the vits a day and still be cheaper than most others i have seen.....besides if you order two bottles you usually always get 3 free so that makes them lots cheaper. lol
like your idea to try and get the calcium into a shake let me know if it works ok?
will keep praying for your son and keep my Michele in your prayers too ok....
I started out with a jacket but took it off. It's supposed to get to 73 today. Sure wi**** would rain.
Max is picking Greg up today and he will stay until Wednesday. He has an appointment with his attorney Wednesday morning. He and Max have a great time together. They both love sports so there's a lot of sports talk going on. I still hold my breath everytime he calls. There's still that fear he will drink again. I thought he had been given the ok to have the breathalyzer put in his car, but the letter he got said he would have to have it once the year was up for another year. Hopefully, he can get it put on now so he can get a job.
I ordered Bariactric vitamins because I didn't know if the Puritan brand was good for me. I had sent the info to the dietician and she took several weeks to get back with me. She said they're fine but I need to take 2/day. Anyway, Bariactric Advantage sent me a huge jug of calcium instead of the vitamins. They said keep them and they sent me the vitamins. The calcium is in lozenge form and they are just horrid. I was hoping I could use them. Although they were free I hate to throw them away. I'm going to put them in with a shake.
Better get busy.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
I guess they are the hardwood maples. we have lots of maples but they are the softwoods or that is what i have been told. I know the maple trees i have in my yard arent a pretty color , they are just tan sort of.
Well lots of work to do this morning , I usually leave the elephant ears in the ground and cover them with straw but they have multiplied to the point of needing to be thinned again. so i am digging them up this morning before i go to work because of the heavy frost we had while we were gone. then tomorrow i will have to lay them out and get them all dried out so i can store them for the winter or replant them and get straw over them one or the other.
Also tomorrow since i will be off i need to get other plants cut back and covered and a lot of stuff pulled up out of the gardens too. busy busy day today and tomorrow and probably the next day too.
need to do some transplanting now too. then have to get the fruit trees ready for winter. need to spray then with this oily stuff to protect them...forget what it is called lol .
we really had a great time at Micheles on our visit. was great....We ran around and did normal mother and daughter things. She had me all sorts of little gifts when i got there. so cute.
She even had me some of my favorite protein bars stocked up ....didnt think she had noticed what kinds i ate.
Their house is really really nice....a ranch style 3 bed 2 bath , large kit, dinning room and living room all open to each other. and a nice 2 car garage. anyway she has it decorated so very very nice. with beautiful furniture she got all from garage sales. lol no joke that is her new passion , garage sales lol
she has some of the cutest clothes and shoes. brand new stuff that she has gotten at garage sales, and her furniture isnt wore out junk but really nice stuff. the bedroom suite in her guest bedroom is solid cherry ,colonial style...beautiful not a scratch on it either. then her bedroom suite is big oak four poster , i told her i have never seen stuff like that at garage sales and she said you just have to be patient...and look....and go to the best areas lol ...anyway she loves doing it and it sure doesnt look like garage sale stuff. She appears happy and content. that is all any mother can ask for her child.
Her boyfriend seems the same. They prayed at every meal, and early in the morning before we would go out garage saling and then again at night before we would get ready for bed. Sort of took me by surprise but loved it.....Thank you Jesus.
well guess i better get busy this morning and get out there in the cold and start digging...dont want those elephant ears to ruin. they cost too much to replace and the amount of them i have it surely does.
Heard from Lisa about her dad and his surgery....he had a little bit of a rough time but i think is comimg out of it now. he was in ICU for a day or two but is back on the reg floor ....they were hopping he might get to come home today i think.....
love and hugs.
Jo~I think you're right about the hospitals sedating your son, sometimes that's what they do best. I hope he has success this time, and maybe he and his GF can work on their addictions together, shopping and drinking sugary drinks may be legal, but the addiction is still hard to fight.
I come to KC, in fact I was there this week end. My DD lives in Lawson Missouri. After I get back on the road maybe we can hook up. Would love to meet you and the others that live in the KC area.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO

For awhile I was looking at and posting on the RNY board and a couple other boards, but sometimes people could be so nasty if they didn't agree with the post so I no longer look at those boards. This MO board has the nicest people. We may not always agree but there's no bashing.
Jan is quite the busy lady with her yardwork and now working outside the home. Some are substitute teachers so probably don't have access to the Internet during the day and too tired in the evening to get on. I'm 2 1/2 years out and feel like I know what I'm doing. I'm working on losing the last 20 lbs. No issues or problems from my surgery.
Tell us how you're doing and come back often. Maybe we can build up the MO board again.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO

Congrats!!! Sounds like Dr. Scott did another good job. Keep us posted on how the sleeve is working. My husband is thinking about it, but it will have to be self pay, which will probably mean out of country. He has diabetes and Rheumatoid Arthritis, so we don't quite know which way to go. I went RNY gastric bypass, but I am really mal-absorbing and of course can't take the meds he needs for arthritis. What to do what to do.