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will miss you while the students are registering......
get back to us as soon as possible and remember the 19th ok???
but i would say take them since it is still so close to expiration date should still be good. they dont have a clock on them that says at midnight on 10 10 10 they will evaporate lol ....
Hope you can get your iron levels up by pills .....those iron infusions are yuck....i had to take them all the time i was pregnate with my youngest kid and off and on for years.
Jan, my husband is taking the Puritan vitamins. They're a great buy at buy 2 and get 1 free. I paid $39.95 for my bariatric vitamins for 90 days. When they're gone I will take the Puritan.
Those chicken grillers Debbie mentioned sound really good. I've seen them at Hy-Vee but wondered if they would get done in the middle on the grill. Didn't think about baking them....duh. Last night I made Cheeseburger Pie and it was very good and easy to make. I should post it.
Have a great day!!
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
I'm worn out just reading what you have done and need to do on your days "OFF". I hate yard work. If it was just up to me we'd have trees and then grass up to the fences - no shrubs or flowers. I love the way they look but not enough to take care of them. I do love trees though. They just amaze me when I look at the big oaks in my far back yard.
Daisy the dog is a sweetheart but she is a chewer and it's so hard. Like having a 2 year old again except one that chews and weighs about 50 pounds. She adores John and when he leaves her she gets naughty. Me, the one who saved her, she can take or leave but she loves him.
I really can't be on here anymore this week because the younger students are registering and they require lots of my time.
Good morning everyonecome on get up
cant sleep your life away you know....The sun is already shining so pretty thru my windows that, are needing to be washed lol .....anyone up for that job...will have to wash them before winter yuck....i hate not being able to see really good outside in the winter. but then we hope to not be here for the winter so dont guess it will make much difference .
Yesterday we got all the elephant ears dug up so they can be sorted and replanted in the spring...Like i said i ususally dont dig them just cover them but they are really needing to be thinned ....Today we are going to get everything out of the green house and straighten it out...since i had to put all my big pots of flowers in there the other day to keep them from freezing...not much room to do much and now with having to dry out the E.E and the other bulbs i will be digging too.
So while we have a nice day will pull all of it out and re arrange it. big job ...probably a whole days job in itself. will have to find containers for all my flower seeds too....dont know why i collect so many seeds of things like marigolds and zinnias....Did any more of you need some of those seeds. what about coneflowers....I have oddles of them too they are all pink but that is pretty too.
One day this week we are going to build a frame with fencing on it to sit over the tulip beds so the deer cant get to them.....will put chicken wire on it to keep out the rabbits too. betweet the two of them my tulips really take a beating in the spring....will make it about a foot high so they will have a chance to grow and i can get the chemical on them well enough to keep them off after it is taken off.
the deer will eat them off all the way down into the ground and they will come back up but they are stunted in growth and then you have tulips that are blooming on little 1 inch stems lol not stately for a tulip. Rabbits will nibble here and there and mess them up so the plant is crocked and flowers are mal formed between the two of them they really mess up a tulip patch. and i have two plots of tulips that stretch all the way across the front of our property ....they are beautiful with the animals leave them alone. ...After they have gotten up and i have the chemical on them good enough they dont seem to bother them any after that . it is just when they are first coming up it is like it is cocaine to a dope addict lol
Im off until Friday and i think i have enough jobs lined up for 4 people for a couple of weeks .....maybe the two of us can get it all done in 4 days lol ....That is what Joe says i try to do ....he says he has never seen any one work as hard as i do and as fast that can get more accomplished than 3 or 4 people so we will see what all i can get done ....nothing if i stay inside on the computer much longer but have to get my morning vits and morning protein coffee in before i can get anything done....Body doesnt want to do anything these cold mornings without all of that. then have to get my arthritis rub all over all my joints so i can move them ...then i get all dressed up for the cold and go out and start working and shedding my clothes lol
Hope everyone has a great day planned , I have more to do than i can get done so if you dont have anything to do come on down ,....I will even let you work inside if you want to . my house needs cleaning too . lol
Have a good day talk to you all later.....
Those Chicken Grillers sound wonderful ...are they in the frozen food section.
I hope we can all work together to get the Mo board back to where it was ....When i first started the Whats happening post there were hardly anyone on the board and by person to person to person it got built up but seems in the last year it has really dropped and i know part of it is me ...I havent always been able to get on and get the post done....but will try to be better again.
Shhhhhhh dont speak about that s word ok ? lol
I substitute taught a 7th grade Social Studies Class today and truly enjoyed it! I LOVE Social Studies and History and I ALWAYS learn something! Suzie - I've never had any problems with using my cell phone (the few times I've had to) while subbing. I think one kid in 6th grade said something about it to me and I said it wasn't something for him to be concerned about. When I left a note for the teacher I told her about the conversation. She told me the students know that teachers have the right to use the phone if they need to! My thoughts EXACTLY! Sorry to hear the principal gave you a hard time. I'm not sure how I would have handled that one...probably would have told him not to bother calling me again to substitute. Not sure though.
Tonight we're having chicken grillers wrapped in bacon and stuffed with spinach and ricotta and Parmesan cheese. They're from HyVee and they are our favorite! They were on sale this week. It's so nice just to pop them into the oven for 30 minutes and they're done!
I've really enjoyed the extra hour we got this past weekend. I love falling back but I LOATHE when we lose an hour in the Spring! lol!
Mama Jan - Arkansas is truly beautiful in the fall! Where does Michelle live? How far is it from Mountain Home? I'm so glad she and her bf are doing so well. God is soooo faithful! I know you've worried about her for so long. Will keep her and you in my prayers.
Jo - Glad to hear that your son, Greg and your husband, Max have such a good relationship. What a blessing your husband has been to your son!! Will continue to pray for son and family as well.
Suze - If you have a face lift will you back to the KU residency program? Just wondering. Sorry to hear about your problems with subbing. For the most part, I enjoy subbing. Wouldn't want to nor could I do it 5 days a week day in and day out!
Jeannie Ray - I'm so proud of you! You are doing GREAT! I read a couple days ago that you were in the KC area. Wish you would have called....might have been able to contact a others from the KC are and gotten together. It's always so nice to meet each other in person. The next time you're in town, please pm me and let me know!
I know MO Board is not as lively as it once was...but we can breathe life back into it! I'm guilty for always reading the posts but rarely posting. Life gets in the way. But we all still with struggles...even those who are years out. We still need support from others and not just for the rny issues.
Gotta scoot. DH should be home any minute and Jake is STARVING! lol!
Hope you all have a GREAT evening!
Debbie D.