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He is in a trama hospital in Asheville NC now but will be moved to the VA hospital there when he is well enough for them to care for him. Eventually we hope to move him closer to home, Asheville is about 65 miles from where he lives.He is recognizing his wife and puckered up for her once but he can't speak and he is still really confused. They do not think there is any long term damage to his brain. When he does get to go home I will go back and stay awhile to help out. Wish I could be there now but the hospital is doing a great job.
My granddaughter's name is Briuanna. she will be going up to St Louis once a week to meet with the transplant team as long as her heart continues to try to function on its own. She is on some pretty strong medicine and high doses so it really limits her even more than before. Once her heart stops functioning on it's own she will be kept going mechanically until she gets a donor.
My kids moved in with me a few years back when the economy started going south - he is a painter and work started becoming scarce. I took a bad fall and tore my knee up pretty badly and the dr started pressuring me to get bariatric surgery so he could replace my knees so it just made sense for me to not be alone while preparing for and going through surgeries.
my mobility has been very limited. One day last winter I fell on the handicap ramp on my way out to work and couldn't get up. I had to lay out there in the dark and cold until I could drag myself up the ramp to my purse and get to my cell phone to call my daughter and wake her up inside the house to come help me up. it is embarassing to be in this kind of shape at 48 but I am looking forward to constant improvement as the weight comes off!
Hugs, Raynetta
we didnt get any snow but that wind and cold was something else. the wind has stopped here now but this morning it was 6 degree when i got up according to Branson weather. good grief i have got to get out of this place.
Joe and i spent this morning getting everything out of the guest house(trailer) since we have sold it and they are suppose to come after it this week. they were suppose to come today but i guess it is too cold maybe the diesels wouldnt start up.....
well got to get busy and will have to let Joe finish up all of this stuff since i have to go to to you all later i guess tonight if i can ....
Nothing new to report on my brother, he is still on the vent but holding his own. I know the prayers are helping him. He is still heavily sedated but I am hoping they will cut back on it soon . I know he is in a lot of pain and it shows in his face but he has nodded in response to questions when they cut back the meds so that is a good sign.
My iron levels feel like they are dropping but I haven't had them rechecked. I am taking pills but the last week I have felt like I had no energy. I am going to call the doctor Monday just to make sure.It could just be stress.
Stay inside and warm if you can.
Jan~Actually will be Training, student drivers that have just gotten out of school. Trainers are the ones that help the companies put safer drivers out there. So will be teaching with my experience from driving before.
Don't usually eat in the truck stops. Will have a slow cooker, small Electric Skillet and a micro wave with me on my own truck. Also will keep lots of protein powder. Will be taking my lap top with me, and just ordered my cell with a little bit of web access so I can check my e-mails, will have texting so can keep in touch that way. Will stay out as long as possible at first, so I can get the bills paid off. Then will try to get home about every 3 weeks of so.