On My WAY!!!!
Well Melissa, it's about time don't you say?? I am so excited for you! I'm tellin ya right now, the first two weeks are awful. You will get so tired of drinking stuff, but you will get through it! VERY IMPORTANT, DO NOT EAT before your Dr says. I was so ready for ONE BITE of pintos and cheese 5 days out that I called my Dr's office and they said that if I thought it was bad not eating for 2 weeks, imagine how bad it would be not to eat for 2 months while I was in the hospital on a feeding tube while my stomach was patched back together and healed. One bite could have done that to me! After that I was okay 'cuz I got the picture, but man it was tough! But you are one tough and fantastic lady and I know you are going to do great! I look forward to hearing that all went well and you are on the other side!