I have a date for my lapband surgery!!
I went for my surgeon consultation with Dr. Dunshee at Tallgrass in Topeka, KS last Thursday, March 16. I have a date for surgery .... April 17 at 7:30 in the morning - - I have to be there at 6:30 (that means we will have to leave our house by at least 4:30 AM!!!)!! One month away!! I am self pay so I think they can get you in sooner since there is no 'red tape' they have to deal with in regards to insurance stuff.
I think the liquid diet you HAVE to be on 10 days before surgery
sounds like a killer.... BUT I CAN DO IT!!!
With me living so far, they require that we stay overnight at a local hotel, just in case something were to happen.
Roger, my husband, went w/ me to the consult and he will also go w/ me when I have the surgery ..... he is going to take a few days off after my surgery. I am not to drive for 1 week. He said that Dr. Dunshee looked like a 'little kid'.
That means I have about 2 weeks to eat 'normally' ........ then no
part of me is scared to death , but then at the same time I am excited to be getting this done. I'm crazy, huh?
I have lost 25 pounds since my birthday in October!
Start praying for me!!!
Good for you.. I am seeing Dr Phillip hornbostel in sediala mo he is very nice, up front about everything. Tells like it is, and yet has a sense of humor and is professional. My surgery date is april 3, but I have covernty HMO and it had an exculsion on it plus an exculsion to any appeals to the exculsion. I guess thatthey really covered their self. I hope this is another lead for you to check out. Just dont give up, every time I ran into a brick wall I just started once gian.
hugs to you and best of luck with "Crappy" insurance co. I know I have one too.