Emotional disaster
I have been putting off telling my father about the WLS because I knew that he would not approve. I have the support of my wonderful husband and mother but I didn't feel right going through surgery without telling him in case something happened. I told him tonight via email-yes I am a chicken- and his reply was that he will never support me and if I really wanted to lose weight I would go on a diet and not take the lazy way out. The irony is that he is also obese and has struggled with his weight all his life too. I am devasted, cried all night. Makes me want to go eat everything in the fridge and just give up. I won't though, I come too far and I have starved myself for 4 days with this *@*$^%& liquid diet. I hope he comes around. Has anyone else been through this? Thanks for listening.
Honey dont give up. Be an successful example to your Dad and maybe he will end up having surgery too. No one in my family was supportive and most were against me having surgery. I went ahead anyway and after I had a successful surgery they all hopped on board. My wife even had her surgery 6 months later and I have an aunt working on getting her surgey too. You dont have to have everyones support. You can do it even if you are alone. Lots of people have no support at all and they make it. Your Dad will come around and be a little jealous when he sees the weight falling off of you.
I'm really sorry that your are feeling so badly right now. Remember this journey is about YOU. Diets have a 2% success rate. WLS success rates are much higher. As much as, 85%. I think you made a wise and serious choice for your health and well-being.
When you are on the road to being healthier, it may be the best example for your father.
I am sorry your father feels he can't support you in your decision. Remember you are doing this for you not for anyone else. Anyone who says that this is the easy way out has NEVER taken a serious look at the process to have the surgery and the commitment it takes after the surgery. Your father will hopefully come around once he sees that you are commited to this, if not then stick to your guns and do what is right for you. Good luck in your journey and lean on those who do support you.
My in-laws weren't very supportive, either. My sister-in-law thought that I should fight Satan to win my battle (she's Catholic...very, very Catholic). My father-in-law was just a jerk.
But you know what? You don't need ANYONE'S support or approval. This is YOUR life, and you are doing what it takes to live a long and healthy life. Even though others may not agree with your choice, it will eventually cease to be an issue. Your surgery will be over, and there is no going back. Unless your father is planning to disown you over this, he'll eventually come around.
In my case, as soon as I had surgery, everyone realized that there wasn't much they could do about it. Also, I think that once I started losing the weight and my whole life changed, they ultimately discovered that I was right.
Good luck!
You know when I decided to have surgery I told people, but I did not seek their support or non-support. I just told them what I was going to do. If they didn't like it, there wasn't much I could do about it. I decided I had to do this for ME, not for anyone else. I know you feel that way too. And once you lose the weight and are feeling better they will understand. If they don't, Oh well. It's their choice. If you know for certain this surgery is for you, don't let anyone's non-support do you in. Go forth and conquer! You can do it.