Stress Test
Hmmmmm cant say it enough how much I hated this test. I feel like excuse me POOP!!!! It was a chemical stress test. I am so sick I want to die. I feel like I am going to hurl, my head feels like someone smacked me with a 2 x 4. What the hecks up with that??? I just got home I am changing my clothes into a nightgown and crawling into my recliner for the night. My PCP will get the results in writing on Monday and I will have them fax it to Dr. Scott. I talked to the Cardiologist that looked at the results of my test. And he gave me 2 for the surgery. Said everything looked and sounded great and there are no problem what so ever with my heart. PRAISE GOD!!! Thanks for all the encourgement and prayers. Sorry to be so whinny and such a whimp.
Love ya
See Melissa,
God is good and he made sure that you got that passing grade because He has something much better in store for you....Way to go....I know I had to have a chemical stress test twice and I always feel like poop...It triggers my migranes and then I am out of commission for the rest of the day....
God bless you
I hate the chemical strees tests too. Now that I am slimmer I can do the treadmill stress test and dont have to have that horrible chemical one, I have to have a stress test in May but I have been exercising on the treadmill a lot so I probably will shock the doc. A good night rest and you will be your old self in the morning.
Yep I had the chemical too. I HATED IT! It wasn't bad enough my heart beat so loud it was all I could hear, but then it felt like someone was sitting on my chest and ading weight till I couldn't breathe. ARGH!!! I feel for you. I have to say it really was the worst thing I had ever gone though. Hence why I havent said a thing about it to anyone else that was getting ready to deal with it.. Figured A, why scare them, and B maybe it wouldn't be so bad for them. But I really do feel for you.. Dont worry to much though, It didnt knock me out of it longer then a good sleep could deal with.
Yeah on your passing!