Follow-Up to New Beginnings Meeting
Hi Everyone from Spfd. New Beginnings!
I love, love, love our meeting. As I talked about in the meeting, it feels less like a meeting and just a bunch of friends that get together once a month. I look forward to seeing those of us that have come for awhile and those that are new to our meeting. We all have the same bond and common goal, and it is great to be together with everyone. (I was so interested in the sharing and what everyone was talking about that a couple of times I forgot to pass the microphone!)
So a couple of thank you mentions from the meeting tonight............
My thanks to Wayne! Thanks for our visit together (it made a huge difference!) and helping out so much. You are such an inspiration and a special person.
Thanks to Wayne's wife, April. April was home sick tonight and was supportive of Wayne coming to the meeting. Our support people are so important. April, I hope you feel better and thanks to you for sharing Wayne with us. I look forward to seeing you at another meeting.
Melissa, I am so glad you came tonight. Even though I felt like I knew you from this Board, it was so great to have you with us at the meeting. I hope it is only one of many, many more.
Stephanie and Judy.............Hi! I hope you post as this is a great Board to be a part of. It's your turn!
Day, it was great to see you. I'm so glad that you came. I look forward to our meeting being even richer and more interesting by the experiences of you and other Lap Banders will bring.
To the rest of our member friends that were there tonight (and those that weren't able to make it), thanks for being part of our support group and this Board. I feel so fortunate to be part of such a phenomenal group of pre and post-ops.
I look forward to the meeting next month and The Next Level in a couple of weeks. Thanks to everyone for a great meeting.
ObesityHelp Support Group Specialist
St. John's Weight Loss Surgery Program Patient Liaison
I was going to post in the morning but saw your post and thought I would reply. I so enjoyed myself tonight at the support meeting. I'm definatley looking foward to coming to these meetings once a month. For those of you out there that have been thinking about coming. But just dont know if you will or not. YOU NEED TO COME!!!! It really becomes real when you have been posting on a board. And you finally get to meet face to face with those that you talk to almost on a daily basis.
A Million thank you's for maken me feel so welcomed. And for all the help you do with a New Beginning Support meetings. And the OH boards you always have an encourgeing word for those out there. And you look FANTASTIC!!! It was so nice to meet you and I will be back thats for sure!!!
Wow where do I begin. Man, your such an inspiration to me and alot of people out there. I know your humble and you would never toot your own horn. And I dont want to embaress (sp) you. But I just want you to know that I think your a really awsume guy and I consider you one of my good friends!!! It was so great to finally get to meet you.
Finally we get to meet. Your in my thoughts and prayers (all of you are). I really enjoyed getting a chance to talk to you. Looking foward to talking to you again at the next meeting. I wish you all the best with your WLJ. And if there is EVER ANYTHING I can do please feel free to ask me. I will do whatever I can.
I am so glad I went to this meeting. And I know I will be coming back. Kelli M. I am sorry you wasnt able to be there. I sure was looking foward to meeting you also. I pray that everything was/is okay. And that maybe next month we can meet.
I just wanted to say thank you again to all of those who pointed me in the right direction for this meeting prior to my move from Illinois and for the guidance since I've arrived here. I really enjoyed myself, and feel like Cathy has stated that it is just a big group of friends with a major common goal. Thank you all so much and it was so great to meet you all, and hopefully make some new friends in the area. Have a great day!
Take care,
It was great to see you last night. I hope you enjoyed the meeting.
Are you glad you moved here? It is a wonderful area. It is beautiful.
I look forward to seeing you at our support group meetings, along with your posts on our Board and getting to know you better.
Talk to you soon!
ObesityHelp Support Group Specialist
I agree with everyone else, WE HAD AN AWESOME MEETING!!! The speaker and the discussion session were great but I really enjoyed the time I got to spend getting to know some new friends. Melissa, what can I say? You are everything I thought you would be. After getting to know you on the boards it felt like I have known you forever. I am glad we FINALLY got the chance to meet. You are an awesome person and you have a wonderful supportive husband. Anita, it was great to be able to put a face to the Missouri newcomer. It was good to have you at the meeting and I look forward to getting to know you. To ALL the other people I met it was a pleasure. I am TERRIBLE with names so i don't want to insult anyone by forgetting to mention them. I did meet a few Missouri board lurkers and I encourage you to take the step and get involved with the board
. Cathy you are an INCREDIBLE person. I really enjoyed our talk last night, you are a big encouragement to me and a lot of other people. You do such an awesome job with New Beginnings that i can't imagine anyone else leading our group. We are lucky to have you. Remember if it's from your heart it's NEVER wrong. I look forward to this meeting every month and I already can't wait untill Aprils meeting. If your in the area I encourage you to be there or you will miss out!