Dad Gum It!
Hi Gang!
I just have to whine a bit... (What's that joke? "You want a little cheese with that Whine...." ) I found out Wednesday that I have no cartilage in either knee (that really explains the horrific knee pain! Yikes!) So May 11th I go under the knife yet again for a total knee replacement, and then have to do the left knee in the fall or winter. I guess this is the year for hospital visits for me. Gosh, in a year I have done the RNY, Gal Bladder and now knees. I guess there is some truth to when you hit 40 you fall apart! Lol! No, really I'll be glad to get them fixed so I can go running with some friends of mine. It's one of my last and remaining goals that I set for myself on this weightloss journey of mine. I had a wow moment too... I just bought myself a pair of 12's! ( Now granted they are the relaxed fit... need a lttle more room in the butt for all that skin I'm packin!) Pretty cool for a gal who was wearing 54's less than a year ago! Sometimes you just gotta toot your own horn.... Lol!
Take Care Ya'll
( I need to remind myself "I am from the North... we don't say Ya'll.." lol!)
I'm glad that you are doing so well on your weight loss ! Way to go kiddo!!!
Also on the knee front... I can SO relate to that..... I am waiting to finally get my one knee replaced hopefully this summer...and then there will be NO holding me back...(like I have layed off exercise anywho!!! *LOL*).... but I can just sit and think just HOW much more active I will be then!!...
Where are you going to be having them done at? I am probably going to go to University of Missouri Columbia.... Dr. Sonny Bal.... he is awesome!
Dr. Bal is going to do my knees... He's great. I liked his associate Dr. Khazzam too. I am in great hands! Glad to hear youre going to go with Dr. Bal! Gosh, he is really busy so dont hesitate too long when you decide to come see him. There is somewhat of a waiting time in his schedule of appointsments. But he is well worth the wait!
Take Care
Not to worry Ardie... I'm already a patient of his and have been since we relocated back to Missouri from Texas.... in fact he put me on his surgery schedule the last 1 1/2 yrs. but he knew that if I overturned my ins. denial that I would loose THAT time off for WLS.... so he got bumped (but he took it very well *LOL*).... I absolutely LOVE him and his office... they have been nothing short of amazing to deal with!...
..and yes he IS an awesome dr. I wouldn't even think of going anywhere else!... he is also in for a big big surprise... he hasn't seen me since I have lost the bulk of my weight. I have told his office but they still can't fathom it... aren't they going to be surprised??? *g*
Isn't it cool to have such a great dr.?