The following was my workout that I did today... each and every person is at their own level and I am not in competition against anyone here... but I DO want to issue a challenge.... that is....,
GET UP AND GET MOVING... it is going to make your weight loss much easier/better and it is going to make you feel oooooh so good afterwards.... the more muscle you gain the more revved up your metabolism is going to be....
Today was cardio day... 5 minutes on the strider (A.K.A. the machine from hell!) mimics sprinting... 5 freakin' minutes on it for a total of .28 miles....
Then straight to the recumbent bike for another 30 minutes w/o stopping at a total of 17.5 miles... then to my ab crunch machine (I do this EVERY day) 40 reps. at 50 lbs. and then 1/10 mile stroll around the track... then to the recumbent stair climber... 22 minutes and 1.8 miles later I was done. I ever done... dear Lord almighty..... this isn't easy but by damn I'm doing it!...
The always say that something worth having is worth working for... well I am working it.. starting to notice the benefits....
c'mon folks.... lets get to moving!