13 days and counting!
Well thats what I have left until my new birthday. 13 days.
I was super excited when it was 16 days and 15 days and then last night got a little anxious about it all. I talked to my hubby a little about it and he prayed for me and then I felt more peaceful.
I though about everyone here who has gone through it all and felt even more peaceful.
It amazing to think that it really will be upon me very soon.
Thnaks guys for all your posts here. I read nearly everyday and post only when I can.
I have good support at home and I know I have this site too, and the hospital group. I'll be good to go. I know that this is normal. I've been very slow going into this and have a great surgeon. I've done what I can to be ready for this now its in the surgeon's and God's hands.
Please keep me in your thoughts or prayers.
I don't have an angel yet if anyone is intrested.
Thanks guys for being there for me.
This is going to be the best "birthday" you have ever had. Just wait until you are one year out. I am thinking about only celebrating my "re-birthday" of 7/26/05. That way I would only be one year old this year, and I feel better than I have since I was about 10.
You will do very well. You didn't come to this decision lightly, and you are prepared to do what it takes. We are all there pulling for your success.
CONGRATULATIONS;;;you have every reason to be happy and a little anxious. that is just normal. You will do great. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I have my preop apt with my dr in sedilia Mo, but have not set a surgery date as yet. I am hopefull that it will be very soon. Hang in there. You are on your way. HUGGSSSSSSS.