Trouble with website
I have a problem.I had to get another name to sign in under.I couldn't log in with my name or password.And they sent me the name and password as I had it to begin with.But couldn't use it.Has anyone else had this problem.Now I don't know what to do about getting this straightened out.I can't close the other one cause I can't get into it.HELP.
Send an email to [email protected] and explain what's happened. Give the link (or member ID) to which profile you want to keep and need log-in info for - and which one you want to get rid of. Make sure you give them the email address associated with the old one so we can find it in the system.
The only one I could find with the email address you're using now - is the profile you're logged in using now.
If I can be of further assistance, feel free to drop me an email at [email protected]
Member Services Assoc.
Hope that helps, Toots