Hi Marsha!!!!
Hi Marsha, It's us Rita and Bill, remember us from those picnic we had in the past, Well any way good to see you back on the boards. We have not been on the boards hardly at all, not that we don't want to but not much to say here. Heard you got divorced, well if you are happy that is what counts. Rita doing good except having problems with hernea's now. Hope to have another picnic soon. We are glad to see you happy again
Bill and Rita
Bill & Rita
I have been divorced over a year now and i am very happy because i am getting remarried in 19 days at mardi gras and i am also 5 months and 3 days prego with a baby boy i couldnt be more happy in my life right now.
Thanks for caring for me and posting this its so nice to hear from you to
It's a boy Nathaniel Jaxson due 6/22/06