I am doing a lot of testing this week. Cardio on Tuesday. That was an echocardiogram, EKG and cortid artery duplex. Excuse the spelling ! Anyway they went well, but he wants to do a chemical stress test and the thing where they put dye in your arm and do a thing like a CT scan for about 45 minutes to see if the dye is going where it is suppose to. I am really really dreading that. With my weight it is very very hard to lay on my back. I feel like I can't breath and I panic some. Did OK with the echo - it took 30 minutes. After I got over the first few minutes of panic, I was breathing ok - not great - but ok. But man did my back hurt. Anyway, Dr said I could take a tranquilzer if it would help me lay still - so I will try that. Anybody have any experience with this test ? Have trouble laying there?
Thanks for your response
I had the tset before I had my surgery. I did not have to lay flat for the stress test. They reclined the bed untill I was comfortable so I never had to lay down. For the scan I had to lay flat but it wasen't that bad. If you could do it for the other test I'm sure you will be alright for the scan. Keep positive and you will be fine.