I know that most folks might not check the boards over the weekend but IF you do please post to it!! takes EVERYONE to make this thing work!..
I just finished my grapefruit and will be eating my two boiled eggies in a bit... Have to go to work this morning for only a half day then the REST OF THE WEEKEND IS MINE!
Remember to get your protein in and don't forget your vitamins!!!
Try to make the support group meeting this coming Monday in Springfield if you can. Mike and I will be there (maybe a bit late as I don't get off work til 4p.m. and we have to drive like 1 1/2 hours just to get to Springfield)...

I do take my vitamins everyday but I am finding it hard to get my 60 grams of protein in. How many carbs do you do everyday. I can't eat meat but I do eat eggs and cheese alot. I do have a protein shake but it is just hard to take everyday. The protein bars are alway high in carbs and the ones that aren't are so expensive I can't pay for them. I know that is sounds like an excuse and maybe it is and I need to get off my butt and do it. Well, have a great day! God bless, Penni
Honey I know that there are alot of things out there that are pretty darn pricey... One thing that might work for you is Unjury protein. Yes it still is a little outlay of cash but when you factor in that you aren't buying the groceries that you used to... and the benefit that it adds. Well it comes out ahead. You can buy the Chocolate, Vanilla, Unflavored or their new berry sorbet. I cannot vouch for the last one since I haven't tried it but the others are VERY good.
I'm sitting here looking at a Blue Bunny Carb Freedom Yogurt Smoothie..
$1.07 at my local Wallyworld for a 10oz. bottle
140 calories
6 grams fat
5 grams carb
5 grams sugar
ok chicquita... go get one and drink drink drink. Buy some Unjury and mix it in. 20 ADDED GRAMS OF PROTEIN per scoop. Makes the drink 33 GRAMS OF PROTEIN and it tastes GREAT!... If I can drink it ANYONE can drink it as I have the worst flippin' gag reflex this side of the Mississippi and I have taste issues.
SO THERE... neeener neener neener... it come in PassionFruit/Mango , Strawberry and Blackberry.
As for the carbs... I don't have a count per se' but I just limit them pretty heavily... I try to keep my protein, fat and carb ration pretty balanced ......

Good Morning, Afternoon, & Evening.
No I am not just getting up. Far from it I have actually already been up and moving. I did my 1/2 work out, showered, took my meds and vit's. Went to church came home and started taken down all my christmas lights & tree. Well that lead me to dusting, (which I hate to do) and moving furntiure around. Well ladies you know how that goes.
Now I am sitten for a few minutes and thinking about what to fix for supper. To tired for it to be anything 5 star. Who knows I may send hubby for something from Wally World. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I love it that alot more people are coming out and posting. Keep it up!!!!!

Unjury is a true gift of wonderous delight to WLS patients... I cannot say enough good things about it nor adequately tell you everything about it... please check them out at
It is soooooooooo worth it!