Good Morning Missouri...
I finally made it home. I want to thank all of you for your prayers and well wishes while I was in the hospital. I am going to keep this short but I wanted to thank the BEST
in the world MELISSA, Your care for me and my wife was absolutly fantastic, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Colette, Thank you for the calls and the ballons (yes there was a bag of candy tied to it lol). Missouri Board Rocks!!!!
HOME AND losing!
Oh shucks sweetie. It was my pleasure to be your angel. I am so glad to hear that your home. Now maybe you can finally get some rest. Congrads on becoming a BIG LOSER!!!!! Never thought I would enjoy calling someone that as much as I do now. lol
~*~*~*~*~*W E L C O M E B A C K*~*~*~*~*~
we sure did miss your smiling face here while you was gone.
Love ya
glad u are home and I agree Melissa was fantastic on keeping us posted too. It makes me mad that candy was attached to those balloons Wayne as I specifically ask that no candy be sent. That was not my intention to do such a thing. (Hope you understand that). Please take care and rest and enjoy the rest of the holidays with your family. A special hello to your wife too. Colette