Sedalia WLS Support Meeting?
It's at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Sedalia at 6pm. How in the world are you doing? Your time is getting closer! Who is going to be at the hospital with you when you have the surgery?
You can definitely go if you are presurgery. You'll get lots of support. And... I can meet my angelette! I hope to see you there!
Hi Patty.... well yes my day coming soon and they put me in the night before. more then likely not expecting any one to come to the hospital. due to that I have no family down here. and my daughter cant make it back down long time love is mad as heck for me doing this. so who knows if he comes? I'm doing to better my health not to become a Barbie Doll . no way. I will let my God lead me the way to Good Health. Thank You all for being so super nice. Take Care sweetie. God Bless Melodie