Good morning Missouri...
Its only 8:30 in the A.M. and already I've cleaned the house got the kids up and dressed and drove them to school, taken my shower and had breakfast with my wife. Now I get to run around for a couple of hours doing errands (whew I think I need a nap already lol). Oh yea and for those that showed such concern yesterday, I HAD MY COFFEE YEA!!!! Well I hope you have as productive a day as me, enjoy it and remeber Jesus loves you
You little bee you... I'm right there with you.... this is what I have done so far today...
Brewed the coffee, fed the cats and dogs, washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, done 4 loads of laundry, put it away, vacuumed the house and am getting ready to start changing the linens on the beds. Then will clean the bathroom top to bottom.
Also ate my brekkie this morning...and right now I am munching my way through a bowl of spinach w/ vinegar on it... YUMMY... 15 grams of protein and only 15 grams of carbs. NO FAT.. NO sugar....... GOOD FOR YOU!
..and of course my coffee
Oh my goodness! It's 3 pm, I'm still in my's warmer than changing!! BRR! It's even too cold for me to shower! I hope I survive this winter! I might not be able to go out, due to stinkin' from being too cold to shower! LOL OK< so I'll get this house really warm, jump in, and get dressed fast. Tomorrow.
Sounds like you are a marine! All that before 8?! At 8 I was dreaming about my electric blanket and how much I love that thing!
So let's see, it's 3, I've checked the mail, done another coat on the edges & corners of johns bathroom, had company (sister in law dropped by with her dtrs.) rcvd a UPS package, drank LOTS of protein coffee. Changed my song on, OH!! and got an interview tomorrow!! Yippee.
The only bad thing that happened here today is: I smoked my entire house out. I made a fire. OK I'm good at that. Easy. IT burnt beautifully for an hour. Then SUDDENLY without me doing anything, it started SMOKING like crazy! The flue IS open. The smoke detector was havinga fit and so was I! I turned on all the fans, opened all the doors and tried to get that smoke out! (It's still lingering! UGH!) So much for warming up the house!
So, in your opinion, what's the deal? Do we need our chimney swept? We've had fires every night for a week with no problem until today...of course when My husbands not here to help! I feel like such a goofball!
Well, I better go, I have more painting to do!! Another 20 or 30 coats and I oughta be done with that TINY bathroom!!!!
Have a great day! Kristen
Good morning ahhhh afternoon! Even though your morning has not been BUSY it sounds like it has been good. ANd I also wanted to welcome you to Missouri, I too am from California (San Francisco). NBow as far as your chimney goes I think you have a doo hickey caught in your whatchamacallit I also HATE painting I think everything should be made from natural wood that way I would never have to paint again Oh well have a great rest of the day!