Good morning Missouri...
Take care of yourself and make sure you get lots of rest. The first few months can really make you feel dragged out. I remember them all to well.
Get out there and enjoy life! Pregnancy is just another facet of life and not a illness/disease sweetie pie... don't look at yourself as being pregnant "therefore this and that..." eat better, sleep better, take care of yourself better and get on out there! It used to be the thought that "women were more delicate during pregnancy" NOT SO..
If you are going to "use" pregnancy then make it all for the positive. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF BETTER! Hope your fiance' is feeling better soon! Hospital chairs suck bigtime!
Just to clear something up i have a cyst on my right ovary that is giving me lots of pain that they are watching and sitting up in a chair sleeping made it hurt worse so i couldnt sleep and had to come home.. It's the pain of that thats killing me i guess i should have been more clear.. But thanks for the advise
I was merely trying to help. Sorry if I stepped on your toes (which it seems like I did)... you have never mentioned a thing about a cyst in any of your posts on this board so how was I to know.
Being a wife/mother normally makes us mind readers but in this case I got an F. Sorry you aren't in a better mood. Hope you get to feeling better soon and hoping that your life straightens out a bit!
I wasnt trying to sound rude and if i did there was no intention at all. i know that you where trying to help and you didnt step on any toes at all i promise. I failed to mention the cyst thats why i sent you the post back. Please dont think it was anything you said i was just wanting to let you know.. Thanks for caring thought
Hello from High Ridge! It is a bit nippy this morning! We have a Heating & Air Conditioning business and are getting our share of "no heat" calls. Fall has definately arrived!
Pass me a cup of coffee someone, I'm the only one in our house that drinks it so I never bother to make it but I feel like some today!!
Have a great one