Missouri Medicaid Ending??
OK - I have MO Medicaid, and I've been told by my caseworker that as of 12-31-05, it ends for all adults who aren't pregnant - which obviously isn't any of us who are getting WLS - my question is how is everyone getting this done still, if you have to continue to see your doc post surgery for so long - are the docs just trying to cram as many of us in before the end of the year or what? My caseworker says that as of now I am on TRANSITIONAL Medicaid, which ends for everyone on Dec. 31. What does that mean for us?? If you have some insight, please please please let me know ASAP.
I haven't checked into what is happening with Medicaid, since I also have Medicare now,.. but I do know that Medicare is picking up for Medicaid after the first of the year as far as my meds go. I know that they tried this a few years back by cutting Medicaid to the adults as far as dential and glasses went but they brought it back within 6 months. I really don't look for that to happen this time though, with the new gov being the way he is I'm sure he will take as much way from Medicaid as he can get away with so he can give himself and the rest of the state capital a raise. Sorry if I step on some toes here but this guy has no clue what he's doing. We thought it was bad with good ole' boy Bob just wait till this one gets done with us. Ok ok I am off my soap box.
If I was you I would call your case worker and ask her what is up and maybe she can give you some insight on whats to come. I know I have a case worker that is very helpful. I don't know if your working or if you can work but I was down to the last of the 5 yrs when my disability finially came in. I only have 1 left at home now so it wouldn't be that bad but I know when I still had 5 of them here I was going to be in a mess. I'm hoping after I have my surgery that I will be able to go back to work, at least part-time. Well I'm sorry if I didn't give you the answer your looking for but I hope you feel better, and don't feel like your the only one. Its going to hurt a lot of people. Well let me rephase that because it's going to be the women that will suffer. oops soap box again I gotta watch that darn thing it keeps moving.
Good luck and God bless,... and remember sometimes just a little pray helps.
almost switched
I don't know if this will hel*****t...but I have a son who is over 18 and has a heart condition which qualifies him for medical coverage under the state (he currently does NOT use it).. I was told by his caseworker that the only medicaid that will be available for adults over the age of 18 (again not familys or pregnant women) but single adults ...will be if they HAVE A DISABILITY and have been through the states certification process to earn that right. I know when we put our son's paperwork in it had to go to his caseworker and then on to a higher office for the final call on it. He was not on regular MC+ but was on a medicaid program for folks who are completely and totally disabled.
If you are over 18 and not pregnant I don't believe that there is anything offered out there... We found that out when we tried to get the coverage for our 19 yr. old daughter. She is still going to school fulltime and her bio dad dropped her medical coverage (that was originally court ordered and supposed to go til she was 21) and there is NOTHING out there for her ... NOTHING. Have checked and checked. The state (child support) can't enforce him to enroll her in coverage since he is self employed OTR truck driver. So we sit here with our hands tied.
Wishing you nothing but the best... and find out definitively from your caseworker. I would have them put it in writing if possible. Nothing verbal ...especially when it comes to planning your future and your hopeful WLS on it!
Thanks for everyone's insight...I guess I should've been more clear - I do have a child, they say that it doesn't matter though....I am not currently working, not becuase I have any disability, besides my son's father. He doesn't stick to the visitation schedule we have in place and I end up having my son for weeks at a time with no word from him, while he took it upon himself to apply for TANF and food stamps and Medicaid by claiming our son and that he doesn't work - which is a boldfaced lie - but I am trying to get him charged with defrauding the state, I dropped a tape off with them last week of phone conversations with him talking about working, proving that he does live with a girl and that they do present themselves as husband and wife - blahblahblah - they have more than 2 incomes in their household and I am getting the **** end of the deal........it's all totally bogus....
Anyway, I was told that even parents are getting cut off of Medicaid after the year end, unless they are listed as "disabled", which I don't know if I could be, but I know I can't leave the house without my asthma inhaler, so that should count for something, not to mention my meds alone without Rx coverage are over $1000 a month.......
MATT BLUNT I AM GOING TO GET YOU! Who even voted for this turkey????
I'm sorry that you are going through such a hard time. If you believe that you are disabled then you NEED to get the ball rolling on filling out the paperwork necessary with your family services caseworker. The process to get it approved is not a quick one (just to let you know). They don't look at minor disabilities I can vouch for... I don't know your medical conditions and how severe they are but I would definitely get crackin' on taking care of things if I were you. Don't delay.
Also sorry to hear about the ex situation. I was always raised to "take the high road" and not let someone pull me down to their level. If you know that what they are doing is illegal then turn it over to the appropriate folks and let THEM take care of it. Wash your hands of the situation. A person can only bother you if YOU let them.....
As for the Blunt comment... even though I know you mean it in jest be wary of how you word things kiddo... it could cause some grief for you unnecessarily!
Best of wishes!
My daughter is also on Medicaid and she has been told the same thing. We all just cannot depend on 'the state' to take care of us .... we have got to be active in providing for ourselfs and our children. I know this sounds harsh ......... but like I told my daughter, the medicail insurance issue alone should make her want to better herself so she can get a better job that has great benifits. The state has a program that helps pay childcare ...... so that way you CAN get out and go to work. There are lots of good daycares. You look very young ........ it would not be that hard for you to get out there and find a job!!
I truly don't think you can be listed as "disabled" just because you have asthma. Asthma does not prevent you from working. I know a lot of people that are way worse off then just asthma and they go to work every week.
I would for sure call your doctor and see if they can get you in before the end of the year. Do you have all your 'pre stuff' done? If not ... get to moving so that it's done.
I have a friend that is having WLS and she has Medicaid. Midicaid will pay for everything EXCEPT the WLS doctor ............. have you checked in to that?
I wish you look ..........
See the thing is, my sons father who is employed FULL TIME, and whose live in girlfriend is ALSO employed full-time are trying to claim my son for foodstamps (because they spend all of their money on BS), and his dad says he is single, living alone with my son and unemployed. I have turned this over to the fraud department, but I cannot tell what is going to happen. Apparently you dont' know anyone with asthma like mine, because no I cannot work having as harsh of asthma as I do when I don't have insurance to pay for my meds.....I will be in the hospital, uninsured soon, and probably dead. And, yes, it is "that hard" for me to find a job. I go to job interviews every day it seems like, with no avail. I'm sure McDonald's would hire me, but I know they don't offer insurance until you've been employed there for over a year, and by then I will have succombed to my asthma and will be rotting away in a cemetery somewhere.
Don't assume what you don't know. Thanks anyway.
Hello .......... I wasn't assuming anything!!
I was offering you advice. PERIOD!! Plain and simple!!
If you don't want feedback, you should not post. I was being very nice and giving you suggestions of ways to help. Please excuse me!!
However, I do wish you luck in your struggle with weight loss surgery. I hope you can find what you ar looking for.