What's Up?????
I'm sorry but I am really confused, there hasn't been an up date on Kenny Svedja in a long time and I left a message here over a week ago and no one has even replied to it! I don't understand, someone has to know something, if not at least say you don't know,....geeeeze
Maybe I'm just a little worked up about this but I'm pre-op I need to know.
So if anyone knows anything would you be so kind.
Marylin newbie switcher
Marilyn I e-mailed you I guess you didn't get it. Kenny is about the same. He had a tracheotomy and is on a respirator. His wounds are still open and he still has infections they are trying to clear up so they can close him up Once they can close him up he will go to a rehab. He is still sedated as he freaks out because of the respirator. Kelley has not been feeling very well that's why she hasn't posted. Let's all pray for Kenny's recovery. Carol