Rough Week!
Hi all!!
Had my surgery on 6/13, came home on the 15th and all seemed to be going well. Was slowly but surely increasing my liquid intake, and doing all I was supposed to be doing. Feeling a bit better every day. Until Tuesday.
Tuesday found me having a bit more pain than normal, but still not enough that I was real concerned. Until Tuesday evening when I was getting ready to go to bed. I had been chilling while I was watching TV with my parents. Just could NOT get warm. Decided to check my temp, just in case. Also at the same time I noticed a lot of excess drainage. When my temp showed up at 103 -- and I'm not one who ever runs a fever!! -- I was on the phone to University Hospital. They sent me to the local ER. The ER docs here in Leavenworth felt I might have a bowel obstruction. They called back to University Hospital and ended up talking with Dr. de la Torre. He wasn't wanting to take any chances, so I was transfereed by ambulance to Columbia. Spent 3 days in SICU, having every test imaginable. They were able to rule out bowel obstruction first -- thank GOD!! -- but were still concerned about a leak, etc. Well, after more tests, no leak showed up. It's been decided that I had an infection of the drain site and incision. I came home today and am on mega antibiotics and medicine. Oh joy!!!
Any way, if you even THINK something is out of the ordinary, don't hesitate to call your surgeon!!! Better to be safe than sorry!!!
p.s. Got to weight today -- unofficially down 21 pounds since surgery!!
What an ordeal...but I am so thankful that they were able to determine what was wrong and that it wasn't even more serious than it already was.
One thing I have determined is exactly what you stated...I will not hesitate if I feel something is out of the ordinary. Thank you.
By the way, congratulations (unofficially)