look what I got ...
I made this tattoo and got it tonight...
You stole my idea!
I'm planning on getting a butterfly tattoo for my 30th birthday, which is in July. So actually, I have two birthdays in July, which is why I chose my screen name Unfortunately, I am VERY picky, and I'm having a hard time find just the perfect butterfly.
BTW...yes, I'm almost 30! A lot of people think I don't look that old, and I feel like I'm about 12...
maybe you can draw your own like I did I could not find what I wanted so I took diffrent parts off diffrent ones LOL came out cool..it really didn't hurt do you have any tattoos now?I just love it I'm going to get a toe ring next..the one I got was $80.00 and that is not to bad for a good tat.It's kind of big but it looks good..can't wait to see yours.I was going to wait till I lost 100 lbs but could not wait..