4 months and FINALLY
My scale moved 3 pounds down i am now @167 and i feel awesome . although my scale hadnt moved since dec/jan i knew eventually it would move again . i uped my protein the last 2 days . I also want you all to know i was able to eat a whole strip steak @ 1 sitting and my hubby said you dont have a lil pouch no more do you . but i to hadnt ate all day . i find myself back at not wanting to eat . but i do make sure i get my protein in .. I also want to rant and rave about baratric .com . the brownies are the BOMB i heat one for about 10 sec and it taste so good and 23 g of protein i believe also the mint choc chip elite protein shake taste like ice cream if you mix it w/ milk it is good w/ water as well . i love the stuff i get from her . and the vista v/ have given me the energy and boost i needed try these things i give them 10 **********
thank you . i just want you to know your taste will change so much before after and during your weight loss time . things i liked before surgery was gross after protein wise also things i didnt like at first are now better to be .. taste change alot w/ this tool .. so tip is buy small variety packages to try and if you like then get big order .. but brownies are awesome .. but i just tried them at this stage .. best of luck wishing you lots of sucess
Congrats on moving the scale, Sherri!
I just checked out your bikini photo in your profile! Oh my! You are such a hottie!
Wish you could have made it to the Spring Fling.......I have been dying to meet you now for over a year! Please get a babysitter so you can come to the next get-together
Take care and see ya 'round cyber space.
Down 200 pounds....and still counting!

YAY Sherrie!!!! You go girl!!!!
Okay, so these brownie are at bariatriceating.com Are they the NJoy Lean Brownies on the site? Couldn't find any others, so I assume that's what you're referring to. I have her cookbook - it's aweome!!!
I agree with Shelli - we have got to meet!! I'm not that far from you, so we need to plan a day, take all the kiddos to the park something and hang out!!
YES , YES, YES, I was so wanting to meet all of you that use to be on here we developed a friendship some have drifted off but still i want to meet all of you . I will try my hardest to attend something traci you know its hard .. the brownies are n joy . i like choclate the best blonde are good but i enjoy choc more try them they are yummy nuke them ..