Surgery Again
Well, it is my gallbladder, and it does need to come out. Dr. Richardson scheduled me for surgery on Wednesday at De Paul to remove it. I'm dreading going through surgery again, and wi**** didn't have to come least I know I'm in excellent hands with Dr. Richardson. Now, I just have to get through a few more days of not being able to eat.

Believe me - you'll feel much better when it's out! I had mine out in 1989 and I was in so much pain and literally anything and everything I ate made me sick. It was a relief to have it out! The good news is you may get to have yours out lap. I had open surgery to have mine out - a more painful and longer recovery. I don't miss my gallbladder at all!!
You'll do fine!!!

Last year my daughter had to have her GB removed and had it done lap and I'm tellin' ya...her scars looked the same as my RNY WLS scars! Honest...we compared our battle scars shortly afterward and she didn't have the bigger one with the drain but, the others wer'e in the same area as mine. So, maybe you won't have anymore scars...?? Hopefully everything goes well for you and you're feeling better very soon. I remember how sick my daughter was and I feel for you.
Be sure to post and let us know how you're doing!