Hello To All

we got pretty busy at the store yesterday.our state fair ended sunday night.up till then it was kind slow.everyone must have been out of grocery's because they sure showed up yesterday where i work.lol.
the weather is a little cool here this morning.no more rain since we had some sunday night.they are still calling for some.andy and i are making a place in our house for my plants to bring them in.getting too cool now at night now to leave them out.
i went to see my family doctor yesterday for a regular checkup and i had labs done on friday and she said everything looked great all my numers were good.
she said the numbers for my closteral please excuse the spelling were soo good they looked like i was on meds for them and i have not been since my surgery.she was very pleased and soo was i.this surgery was the best thing i did for my health.
i have to go for now everyone have a great day.we love and miss you all.god bless.susan.