someone must have been doing a rain you.we got some more rain last night.sure was nice to lawn and plants sure like it.some high winds too.had to bring a few things inside the wind kept blowing them over.
my fall tomotes plants are growing like crazy.we are getting lots of lettuce too.
barbara good to see you on here again.glad to hear baby is doing better.our furry babies are just like kids.our two love where we live now.they can run all they want in the back yard.good thing we have a fence.our youngest one loves to chase cars now.there is a side street by the side of our house it is a corner house and any time she see's a car she run's the whole length of the fence barking at the cars.
we hope that joe and jan do sell their house soon we will miss them but they are soo ready to move.
hope everyone is doing ok.i have some things to do around here on my day off of work.everyone is in our thoughts and prayers.hugs