Almost there...3 years post op! W/ pics
Its hard to believe that 3 years is around the corner. Life has had its up and downs, but I have to say mostly ups. I'm not on here too much anymore, I'm trying to get out and enjoy my husband and family all I can. We are going and doing things I only dreamed would be possible.
I started out at 330 lbs, I now weigh 147. Praise GOD for health!!!! A true miracle!

I started out at 330 lbs, I now weigh 147. Praise GOD for health!!!! A true miracle!

Lou you look are soo right praise god for good has been a little over two years for me.the best thing we could do for ourself.i rather take vititamns all the time instead of all thoses other pills and are your children doing these day's.have fun with your many years have you been married now.andy and i will be married 25 in sept.miss seeing you and all the other's.have a great day god bless.susan
I can't believe it's been three years. You have done so well. Isn't it amazing to be healthy? And looking good ain't too bad either. Hope maybe you can come to group sometime. It's tomorrow night at 6:30 at the Library Center. I'd love to give you a round of applause on your continued success.
I can't believe it's been three years. You have done so well. Isn't it amazing to be healthy? And looking good ain't too bad either. Hope maybe you can come to group sometime. It's tomorrow night at 6:30 at the Library Center. I'd love to give you a round of applause on your continued success.