but when it comes to the grass it grows no matter what.andy cut ours a few days ago and before we know it will have to be cut again.andy will have to remember to put a hat on sooner.he did not put one on last time when he first started to cut the grass and he looked like a lobster.
jan are you able to get out from under all your pkg boxes.hopfully after you all have your sale you can get around better.i know when andy and i were getting ready to move out of our 2 bedroom apt there was hardley enough room to you all have lot's of grass to cut at your new place.i love to help andy cut the grass good workout.we are sure you did not gain any watch what you eat and you are out side doing thing's any time you can.
lana did you ever get caught up on your work.hard to believe summer school starts already.andy loves salads too.he put's thoses pepper flakes on just about everything he eat's.we have a store down here where he can get regular size spice container of them for 59 cents.not a little one and all kinds of other spices for the same price too.
everyone have a great day,andy just read on brenda nuts journal where she might be going home next week.we love you all.hugs to all of you.catch you later on.god bless bless.susan.