Good morning to all

summer is just around the corner.i think summer has already come to where we live has been very humid and windy.
the weather man said we could see the high 90's here by sat.i think summer is already here.
susie could to see you on here agin.we have been seeing on the news and in our newspaper about joplin.everyone is in our thought's and prayer's.i have not heard anything from anyone up there.
the store i work at has a store in joplin and three worker's from there have lost everything.
is your hubby feeling better.
i have packing to do.moving day is this sat for andy and i.have agreat day.hope to hear from you all.we love you all.god bless.susan.

Good morning Susan, good to see you on again today, makes me happy to see you every day.
My granddaughter that lives in Joplin says you cant begin to get an idea how bad it really is there unless you see it for yourself...they were fine the tornado wiped out everything up to their street on two sides was amazing that they were untouched, but that is the way tornadoes are i guess. weird.
I too am packing ,packing and packing.....except im trying to decide what to keep and what to sell...for awhile i had more i was keeping than selling but i have turned that all around now . the bad thing is that we cant make arrangements for shipping of stuff till we know how much extra money we are going to have. so will have to wait until after the sale ....oh you know that Barbara is coming down a few days before the sale to help me set everything out didnt you? just thought that would give you all an incentive to come to the sale since she will be here. you would have to get up early to be here by the time the sale starts i guess ....unless you came the night before....Barbara is going to be staying in the motel on 160 across from the new justice center....
well got to get ready to go to the chriopractor again this morning . hands and arms are still getting numb but not as much i dont think anyway.
talk to you later.
My granddaughter that lives in Joplin says you cant begin to get an idea how bad it really is there unless you see it for yourself...they were fine the tornado wiped out everything up to their street on two sides was amazing that they were untouched, but that is the way tornadoes are i guess. weird.
I too am packing ,packing and packing.....except im trying to decide what to keep and what to sell...for awhile i had more i was keeping than selling but i have turned that all around now . the bad thing is that we cant make arrangements for shipping of stuff till we know how much extra money we are going to have. so will have to wait until after the sale ....oh you know that Barbara is coming down a few days before the sale to help me set everything out didnt you? just thought that would give you all an incentive to come to the sale since she will be here. you would have to get up early to be here by the time the sale starts i guess ....unless you came the night before....Barbara is going to be staying in the motel on 160 across from the new justice center....
well got to get ready to go to the chriopractor again this morning . hands and arms are still getting numb but not as much i dont think anyway.
talk to you later.