Good Morning

jan thanks for the kind words.i do feel better wearing my wigs all the time.even if i just go out to the store for something i put one on.
how are thing's coming along for the move?i bet you have more stuff than you thought.that is what i told andy we did.when we started to pack.we got a lot of stuff in 25 years of marriage.
how is rebel doing these day's?is he ready for the trip?
susie how have you school out there is out here in tulsa june the 2.some schools are out sister in law has been out for over a week already and her son finished for the year yesterday.
everyone have a great day.have a nice safe memorial day weekend.i will try and get on here through this next weekend but after we move on sat it will be a few days till we get everything hooked back ya all.catch you later on god bless susan.

Jan i forgot to put on here that i have to talked to beckey a few times in the last couple of weeks has been a while now the other day paul answered.he sounded good.the last time i talked to beckey she said paul has about 3 good day's out of a two week period.his body just does not hand the chemo well at all.he is not getting have of what he should be getting.she said he has a family reunion coming up the end of july or around the first week of august they will just have to see how he is doing.she said when i do call they are at doctor's app's or outside.she says thanks for all the calls and prayers.they are taking things one day at a time.i know they have wedding ann coming up near the end of june.
could you the next time you talk to Becky ask her to call me...I have tried to call and call dont think i have the right number anymore....Joe and I both just love her and Paul but i dont want to take her away from something she is having to do . Bless their hearts i know this has to be really bad on them...
We are doing good i guess. Joe has started taking all the nails out of the walls and is spackling them and then repainting the walls and ceilings. we have most of the stuff out of the house except the things i would like to take with us. we are waiting on estimated prices. want to take my piano but dont know if we can afford it or not.
Yeah Joe and I have accumulated so much . we will have been married 24 years this december. wow? doesnt seem like that long....all together we have been together for 26 years. ....and we still love each other. I still get a little flutter when he comes into the room. lol crazy huh?
Rebel is doing well we are going to take him to the vet and get his check up in the next month or so so we can see if there is anything we need to do for him before we go....we will wait for the vet to sign a notarized paper saying he has had all his shots and is in good health to right before we go. once the paper is signed and nortarized we have to have him on a plane in 10 days...
had to go to the chriopractor again yesterday....and have another appointment for Tuesday...if these dont stop the pain and numbness i guess i will have to go have xrays to see if a vertabre is collasped....i sure hope not anyway wil see .......
We are doing good i guess. Joe has started taking all the nails out of the walls and is spackling them and then repainting the walls and ceilings. we have most of the stuff out of the house except the things i would like to take with us. we are waiting on estimated prices. want to take my piano but dont know if we can afford it or not.
Yeah Joe and I have accumulated so much . we will have been married 24 years this december. wow? doesnt seem like that long....all together we have been together for 26 years. ....and we still love each other. I still get a little flutter when he comes into the room. lol crazy huh?
Rebel is doing well we are going to take him to the vet and get his check up in the next month or so so we can see if there is anything we need to do for him before we go....we will wait for the vet to sign a notarized paper saying he has had all his shots and is in good health to right before we go. once the paper is signed and nortarized we have to have him on a plane in 10 days...
had to go to the chriopractor again yesterday....and have another appointment for Tuesday...if these dont stop the pain and numbness i guess i will have to go have xrays to see if a vertabre is collasped....i sure hope not anyway wil see .......