Jan C.
on 4/26/11 1:09 am - Cedar Creek, MO
i have been so busy that i cant think straight and by the time i think i will get on here and post im too tired and dont get it done. so guess i cant fuss at any of you about not keeping the board going,,....i really hope we can get it back to the way it was a few years ago tho. This is more like it was when i first started posting back in 05 and i was determined that i would make it be a great state board....and we accomplished that we got notice even from the main office for being a great board and very active. anyway hope we can get back to that. I will have lots to report again soon...as this sale is over we have our visas and are on our way back to Ecuador. cant wait.  I am ordering me a flip video camera so i can post videos about what we are doing and where we are going ...that will be cool i dont know if i can get them on here or not , does anyone know?
On our property in Ecuador we have a river on the other side of our driveway with a waterfall and at the top of the waterfall there is a group of rare birds called **** of the rock. they come down to feed on the banana trees in our yard daily and im hoping i can catch a video of them sometime after we get there and things have settled we will have to watch and find out what times they come down.  i know we have more than enough bananas for them and us .so wont be any problem with that.
We have gotten in touch with the guy we are buying the place from and he told us that he is arranging for the coffee to be harvested in a few days. we told him that we will share the profit from that with him if he would oversee it this year. we cant do any of it from here so think that is fair.
does anyone know of anyone that will do a fast scannning of all of my photos and put them on cds? i just dont have time to do it for sure and i dont want to have to take all of those boxes of pictures with me if i dont have to. if i can get them all on cds will make copies to give to all my kids so that if one of us loses theirs then we will have another copy to copy off of lol
anyway looking for someone to do that that wont charge an arm or a leg or both. maybe someone that doesnt normally do it but would like to make a little money and has the time and knowledge....would really appreciate it .

well the boxes that are piling up in the green house that are for sale are beginning to be overrunning there soon. i have still not decided what or how we are going to ship a lot of our stuff that i want to keep will have to decide soon.....have found a lady that others have used and they are very pleased with her so probably will go with her...she guarentees house to house delivery personally....meets the ship and checks it all in to customs. arranges for truck to bring it all to your house on the other end and unload it all for you. ....im still wanting to take my piano but just dont know. depends on cost and other things. i would hate to move it and when i got it the legs were broken or something like that.

well ive wasted enough time since it isnt raining this morning , i need to do some things outside.
I emptied the rain guage this mornig with another 3 inches so that makes a total of 14 inches for the last three days not counting the days and days before that of half inches and inches and such. ...i know that they are saying that it is suppose to start raining again. oh my gosh. how much more can our land stand? oh well poor chickens poor flowers poor me. maybe this is Gods way of weaning me from my pretty flowers...telling me he has more for me to do and see ...oh i am going to volunteer at one of the little schools there helping the kids with lessons and english one or two days a week...think it will be fun ...

got to get and get more of my rat killing done. see you all



on 4/26/11 6:55 am - Seymour, MO
Hi Jan! Sounds like the rain is giving you fits too, We are trudging through but the roads are really bad around us, I sure have enjoyed the sunshine this afternoon but I understand it is short lived with more to come this evening..... I had lunch with my Bible Study ladies, ten of us and me the only one under 70, I sure love them! We went to the Tower Club so it was a real treat for all of us.
I'm still planning to head your way soon.....send me a message adn we can work out the days that will be best for you. I have to be here to teach my class on Sunday morning but can come friday/Saturday or Sunday afternoon through Monday...let me know! It might work out good for me to follow you home from support group so I don't get lost...but I think I am free this week too...
I am seeing Dr E on Thursday afternoon about my hernia and hopefully maybe some idea about my other troubles. 
Crazy week here, cell phone troubles, school activities adn work scheduling conflicts...keeps life interesting! Hope it is a good day where you all are!
Jan C.
on 4/26/11 8:38 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Cheryl following us home after the meeting would be great. rather i would just ride home wit h you so you didnt get lost. that monday the 9th i have to have mamogram and bone density test done in branson but that wouldnt take long ....seems as if all the friends that we have want to come and spend time with us before we leave and it really is putting a cramp in the things i have to do. lol ...anyway will show you my schedule when i see you ok? i cant tell you how much i appreciate this....i am going to buy lots of bubble wrap ,if anyone has some stored somewhere would appreciate it....Susie thanks a million for the wrap you brought me i really appreciated it. ...i sure hate for anyone to see my house right now that is for sure. we have been dragging things out and repacking and putting here and there it is a mess. .lol



on 4/27/11 12:19 am - Seymour, MO
I have 4 or 5 rolls od bubble wrap I bought for a gag gift on clearance, I will bring it.....how about newspapers? do you need that as well?????
PS it's not the house folks are coming to see.....it is the people in the house so don't sweat it!
Jan C.
on 4/27/11 2:11 am - Cedar Creek, MO
thanks for the bubble wrap and yes can use newspapers....  yes i know about friends coming to see us....it is just so hard to be welcoming when the house looks like a tornado went thru...



on 4/27/11 3:55 am
 I can't wait to see the new pictures of your place. I have family coming in the weekend of your sale so I don't know if I can get there. Hopefully gas won't be six dollars a gallon by then. I wish I knew how to scan photos quickly but I have a hard time even slowly. My scanner is wireless and I can't figure out how to send them back to my computer. I shouldn't admit that, lol. 

Try not to get washed away.

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