The Next Level Support group at St Johns
Hey all. I am trying to get back to basics and was really looking forward to finding a support group in the Springfield area. I WAS Uber excited to go to The Next Level support group last night and there was noone there ;(. I checked and rechecked the location and date...and it was right. Can anyone give me any info on post surgical support groups in Springfield? I am really losing my way here.
Stacy we have a support group that meets at the Library center out by the new Sams club...we arent hospital affilated or doctor affilated just a group of people that have had surgery and a lot that havent had surgery or just thinking about are more than welcome to attend ours. meets next on November 19th and until then if there is anything that you especially need you can talk on here maybe someone can help you with some of the things that are going on with you. ok....
JAN COOK goes. I had lost 140 lbs...and had not gained, only lost weight up to two months ago. I have now put on 25 lbs in two months..and I am panicking. My eating habits were under control for months and months..and in the last 8 weeks I am ravenous. It seems I can eat anything..and as much of I want to . I did the 5 day pouch test but never felt full..
SO now..I am ready to get back on track. I am at 160. My goal weight is 130. I would like to lose some of what I have picked up but also keep some of it and tone and muscle up! I will use this blog to be accountable for what I am putting in my mouth. ...Im back at it. Going to my first group support meeting tonight. Wish me luck!
Then I went and no go...noone there :( What time does your group meet on the 19th?
SO now..I am ready to get back on track. I am at 160. My goal weight is 130. I would like to lose some of what I have picked up but also keep some of it and tone and muscle up! I will use this blog to be accountable for what I am putting in my mouth. ...Im back at it. Going to my first group support meeting tonight. Wish me luck!

Then I went and no go...noone there :( What time does your group meet on the 19th?
Hi Stacy,
There was supposed to be a meeting last night, I am not sure what happened. You can call Katie Waldron at Dr Edward's office 820-3800. She is the social worker and keeps up with the groups. The regular Group meets the second Monday of every month in the surgery center, 4th floor. It is a large group with a specific topic each month.
The Circle of Friends is the group Jan is talking about and it is a great, supportive group that meets at the library center.
I hope you will try them both. I love them! Feel free to ask for help here as well, We are all here for you!
There was supposed to be a meeting last night, I am not sure what happened. You can call Katie Waldron at Dr Edward's office 820-3800. She is the social worker and keeps up with the groups. The regular Group meets the second Monday of every month in the surgery center, 4th floor. It is a large group with a specific topic each month.
The Circle of Friends is the group Jan is talking about and it is a great, supportive group that meets at the library center.
I hope you will try them both. I love them! Feel free to ask for help here as well, We are all here for you!