BRRRRR it was all of 44 when i first woke up ant 6am so i went back and got into bed to keep warm and just now woke up again. dont know what is going on with me the last couple of days and sleeping. but i sure like how i feel when i get enough sleep....i have never in my life slept like this unless i was sick and i feel too good to be sick lol
have to work again today. and have to go into town early, a friend that i work with wants me to come and tell her what the little plants are all over her flower beds , im pretty sure they are balsum since i gave her several plants this past spring of them , it is about time that they have blown their seeds everywhere i know mine have. hopefully they will get up big enough to have flowers on them again before it freezes but who knows with the crazy weather we are having all the time.
and they are really delicate when it comes to frosts...even a light one will take them out...
Im still sore from pulling weeds all day in the flower beds on Saturday...the backs of my legs are especially sore. will have to do it some more tomorrow when i am off to get them back in shape.
you would think that as much as i do this that they wouldnt get sore but if i lay off just a few days doing it they are sore again like i have never done it.
Haven heard from Dr. H about my blood work i had faxed to him....i need to go by the dr. office here and pick up a copy too so i can see how it is doing and if it is lower or higher or the same as last time.
Jo i dont know why they say that Vit D over the counter doesnt work , it works for a lot of us...you have to make sure it is Vit D 3 ....mine has been good ever since i added that to my list of meds i take it was down a little when i first noticed it and started taking the OTC one and it is up and good.
She was right that we dont absorb much of it especially if you are past 50 the gland or hormone or what ever it is that absorbs it from the sun and utilizes it doesnt work well and then with our malaborsiton we dont add any thru foods so we are double whammied....I take 10000 units of vit d 3 daily and my d levels are all good....
Glad your eye is doing better.....take care of them girl....all we have , that always scares me about going blind that is. would hate that a lot, to not be able to see Gods beauty....
Jeanie so tomorrow is the day you go for some test? let us know how you do ....I know you will be ok ...hope all of your dreams do come true with getting back to what you love.
How are you doing on the cig. smoking or the lack there of? am keeping you in my prayers too
Susie how are things going with you? problems dissapearing any ? calming down ? You know we are always here for you
Debbie D...sounds like you are keeping busy too with those little ones. They can sure wear us out after we arent use to having them around all the time. lol....
Well i will talk to all of you later....
Oh Yes Andy thank you for those web sites ...they are wonderful and really uplift the spirit dont they?
Love you and Susan....hope we get to see you in Oct.
have to work again today. and have to go into town early, a friend that i work with wants me to come and tell her what the little plants are all over her flower beds , im pretty sure they are balsum since i gave her several plants this past spring of them , it is about time that they have blown their seeds everywhere i know mine have. hopefully they will get up big enough to have flowers on them again before it freezes but who knows with the crazy weather we are having all the time.
and they are really delicate when it comes to frosts...even a light one will take them out...
Im still sore from pulling weeds all day in the flower beds on Saturday...the backs of my legs are especially sore. will have to do it some more tomorrow when i am off to get them back in shape.
you would think that as much as i do this that they wouldnt get sore but if i lay off just a few days doing it they are sore again like i have never done it.
Haven heard from Dr. H about my blood work i had faxed to him....i need to go by the dr. office here and pick up a copy too so i can see how it is doing and if it is lower or higher or the same as last time.
Jo i dont know why they say that Vit D over the counter doesnt work , it works for a lot of us...you have to make sure it is Vit D 3 ....mine has been good ever since i added that to my list of meds i take it was down a little when i first noticed it and started taking the OTC one and it is up and good.
She was right that we dont absorb much of it especially if you are past 50 the gland or hormone or what ever it is that absorbs it from the sun and utilizes it doesnt work well and then with our malaborsiton we dont add any thru foods so we are double whammied....I take 10000 units of vit d 3 daily and my d levels are all good....
Glad your eye is doing better.....take care of them girl....all we have , that always scares me about going blind that is. would hate that a lot, to not be able to see Gods beauty....
Jeanie so tomorrow is the day you go for some test? let us know how you do ....I know you will be ok ...hope all of your dreams do come true with getting back to what you love.
How are you doing on the cig. smoking or the lack there of? am keeping you in my prayers too
Susie how are things going with you? problems dissapearing any ? calming down ? You know we are always here for you
Debbie D...sounds like you are keeping busy too with those little ones. They can sure wear us out after we arent use to having them around all the time. lol....
Well i will talk to all of you later....
Oh Yes Andy thank you for those web sites ...they are wonderful and really uplift the spirit dont they?
Love you and Susan....hope we get to see you in Oct.
It was really chilly this morning. Was wishing I had a little heat on me while I was having breakfast.
I'm back to work. My vision is still a little fuzzy in that eye but so much better than a week ago. The lighting bothers me so most of them are off.
Jan, my vitamin D was low last year and I added more but it's still low. He gave me a prescription I take once a week for 8 weeks. I was charged $10 for 4 pills......grrrr. I guess the OTC not working for me is because we're all so different. What works for one doesn't always work for someone else.
Yesterday I worked out in my 'woman cave' and got it a little more organized. I bought a couple pairs of pants at the thrift shop for $5. One fits perfectly but the other one was 4 1/2" too long. I shortened them and the sleeves on a top. I've been catching up on my reading the last few days. I'm so grateful that I can read.
Max's Neuro Stimulator is working great. It has no pain now.
I'm back to work. My vision is still a little fuzzy in that eye but so much better than a week ago. The lighting bothers me so most of them are off.
Jan, my vitamin D was low last year and I added more but it's still low. He gave me a prescription I take once a week for 8 weeks. I was charged $10 for 4 pills......grrrr. I guess the OTC not working for me is because we're all so different. What works for one doesn't always work for someone else.
Yesterday I worked out in my 'woman cave' and got it a little more organized. I bought a couple pairs of pants at the thrift shop for $5. One fits perfectly but the other one was 4 1/2" too long. I shortened them and the sleeves on a top. I've been catching up on my reading the last few days. I'm so grateful that I can read.
Max's Neuro Stimulator is working great. It has no pain now.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO

the weather was warm for a little while but now it has cooled off some.we dropped to 52 here last night.supposed to be in the 60's at night all this week and daytime in the 70's will sure be nice.we have our sliding glass door open letting in the fresh air.but if the cool weather keep's up we will need to get out the long john's.lol.
my dad is doing better.he has made friend's and the nurses and aides love to take care of him.they changed his diet to mech soft.he cannot go in the car with us for rides anymore.his legg's just will not let him stand up enough to get into the car.if he has any app he goes in the wheelchair van so he can stay in his wheel chair.other wise he is doing good.
jan sound's like the home sure is keeping you busy.bet you and joe are ready for your winter trip.how is rebel?how is school and work going for your grandson.
jo glad to hear your eye's are doing better.how are thing's going in your woman cave.
debbie d bet thoses little ones sure do keep you busy.my sister in law has a class of kindergarden kids this year.
jeanie rae how did your test go for you.
lana are you being good these day's.lol.
susie are you still teaching school?
everyone have a great evening.andy and i are getting ready to go out.today is our 24 wedding ann.we are praying for all the need's here on the board.we love you all.god bless.susan

I will not complain about being cold, I will not complain about being cold. I will......... oh I am not at school so I only have to say it once. I actually sat outside on the deck for a while this afternoon. I love fall. I like the clothes and all the fall colors.
Things are calm around here now ,we will see how long that lasts. I know I am not sleeping and I got some sleeping pills from the doctor and they do nothing. I guess I will go till I drop. I try to sleep but just cannot. Thank God for coffee or I couldn't function in the mornings.
Susan good to see you on here. You are still part of us so don't be a stranger.
grab an extra blanket tonight and I hope I sleep tonight.
Things are calm around here now ,we will see how long that lasts. I know I am not sleeping and I got some sleeping pills from the doctor and they do nothing. I guess I will go till I drop. I try to sleep but just cannot. Thank God for coffee or I couldn't function in the mornings.
Susan good to see you on here. You are still part of us so don't be a stranger.
grab an extra blanket tonight and I hope I sleep tonight.