Hi everyone I am new at this and just thought maybe I can get some support or knowledge from some of you that have been through this. My husband is not very supportive he is affraid I will just be starving myself to death . So to sadisfy him last night I got on and typed in negatives to gastric bypass , and so now I am worried also , people having heart attacks , and starving ( making goal weight and still losing , and can't stop losing ) , He thinks the doctors are just there for the money not to help you .So I guess I want real people to tell me the truth and do you really vomit daily ,and have no energy and feel sick all the time . I have sugury with Dr. Hornbusel on September 10 ,2010
This surgery is the best decision I have ever made. I eat a bit of everything just with more control. I used to feel like I had to eat carbs all day long just to stay awake and now I think before I eat but I still eat! And still enjoy food. I haven't gotten sick since I think my 3rd month out(btw..that was from eating too much too fast) My hair is still healthy and I have lost 72 pounds and need to still lose about 70 in 6 months time. I don't feel weak or malnourished on the contrary I felt weak and sick when I was well over 200 pounds(started at 289 presurgery 275 at surgery now down to 202) It's (pardon my that a word?) the best sex I have ever had and every day is fun and I feel like the person I used to be before I got bogged down with all that weight!So I say those horror stories are not true! Hope this helps...and it wasn't tmi ;) Jen
If you have surgery with a great surgeon like Dr. Hornbostel and follow his instructions about what to eat and the progression for adding new foods and don't rush yourself and don't worry about anything excep****er, protein and vitamins, you will be successful and will stay healthy. The people you read about who are sick and starving are not eating the things they are supposed to and are sometimes dealing with major problems that they had before they ever had RNY. I think you need to be prepared and do your best to read and stay on the board so you can get the support you need but Dr. Hornbostel is NOT a money motivated doctor - he genuinely cares about his patients - will even give you his home and cell number. I do not vomit daily, monthly or even every six months. I only have vomited a couple of times when I ate too fast or did not chew well enough. I have as much energy as a 66 year old should ever expect and I don't feel sick all the time - in fact I feel sick less than many "normal" people I know. So, have hubby go with you to meet the doctor (whose wife, by the way, is his nurse). He cares so much about his patients that he no longer does lap bands (which are money generating surgeries) because he does not think the result justifies the risk. I didn't have Dr. H but I think he's the best there is!! I just wish I'd had this surgery 10 years ago when I first considered it. It has saved my life.
The first thing you need to do is stop reading the negatives. I read some of those before surgery and I had my doubts. My surgery was a little over 2 years ago and I have absolutely no regrets. I had some nausua the first few days but other than that I've had no problems.
The only time I've vomited is when I drank too soon after eating, ate too fast or ate something high in sugar. My diet now is 1,200 calories a day with 80-110 grams of protein. I eat carbs but healthy ones.
I have more energey than I've had for years. So far, I've not been sick except for a sinus infection a few times which had nothing to do with WLS. Within a month of my surgery I was off all meds except Synthroid. For years I had taken BP meds and acid reflux meds. I never have heartburn now and a cough I had for 8 years prior to surgery disappeared. The cough was due to acid reflux.
I've heard great things about Dr.Hornbostel. From what I've heard he is there for his patients and for him it's definitely not for the money.
The only time I've vomited is when I drank too soon after eating, ate too fast or ate something high in sugar. My diet now is 1,200 calories a day with 80-110 grams of protein. I eat carbs but healthy ones.
I have more energey than I've had for years. So far, I've not been sick except for a sinus infection a few times which had nothing to do with WLS. Within a month of my surgery I was off all meds except Synthroid. For years I had taken BP meds and acid reflux meds. I never have heartburn now and a cough I had for 8 years prior to surgery disappeared. The cough was due to acid reflux.
I've heard great things about Dr.Hornbostel. From what I've heard he is there for his patients and for him it's definitely not for the money.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
I agree with you I am going to now stick with reading the possitive stuff , and look forward to changing my life for the better. I have three sons ages 9,7,5 and besides doing this for myself I am doing it for them , they are very active healthy boys and I want to be able to do all the things they want me to do and be able to do it. Thank you for sharing about how your surgury went and how you feel it helps alot.

My husband was not in favor of me having the surgery until we attended my surgeon's seminar. Once DH knew more about it, he was all for it. He went to most of my appointments with me.
Maybe you should take your husband with you if you haven't already.
Maybe you should take your husband with you if you haven't already.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Dr H was my doctor and I think he is the best there is. You will be in good hands. I am 21 months out and I will say its the best thing I ever did for myself. As long as you follow his rules you should have very few problems. I feel better than I did 20 years ago and so much more energy. I do not eat exactly the way I should because I can eat anything without getting sick as long as I eat slow and do not over do it. I made goal and I am very happy. Vitamins and protein are very important. I make sure I follow the rules there. My blood work is always good. You will not starve to death I promise.