I have to go to work this afternoon so i slept late , which is good....except i dont have time to do the stuff i wanted to do ....oh well it will be here tomorrow...found everything yesterday for the great grandsons birthday party.....except i think there will be more here than i planned so have to go back and get another couple of packages of hot dogs and buns....have enough hamburgers if we are going to do them too. I invited the little girl next door....whi*****ludes her mom too. anyway it is shaping up to be a sort of family get together for sure. the only one is missing is my daughter in AZ.
going to be extremly hot again today. Im telling you this has been the worst summer i can remember in a long long time. I remember one when i was a little girl over in the eastern part of MO. it got so hot and didnt rain and didnt rain. in the 1950s some time in there ....i remember seeing big splits in the ground...and thinking wonder if they were wider how deep they would be....lol at least we havent been that hot of course it seemed hotter then i think cause we didnt have a/c in our house....many did but we didnt.
Well Michele has found a good friend it seems....another girl that has been treated like she has . they have sorted bonded i think...she is spending all of her time with her...the girl owns a big house with an upstairs as big as the downstairs and she told Michele she could come live there and could have the whole upstairs ....She just jumps into things way to fast. I told her to wait for a couple of weeks and see . it is hard to have roommates i know . you almost have to love someone unconditionally to live in the same house with someone....whether a spouse or friend....i know my first husband was a neat freak and he would just spaz out about how i hadnt done this or that lol told him to do it himself if it bothered him that much...lol
have only one more flower bed to do and will have them pretty well set until fall then. the places i have weeded already the small little zinnias that were in there look like they have grown a good 3 inches already...so i will have more color soon. some of them are even blooming just tiny looks sort of funny ....
The ****scombs are really opening up and looking great . i noticed today that i have some pink ones and some off white ones ....weird huh? also about 3 different colors of red ...
well got to run ....need to do a bunch before i have to stop and get things ready for work....love you all
Greg got a continuation until Oct. 26th and got a court appointed attorney. The judge was please with what he is doing. His counselor is sending her all the info about his progress. He is supposed to go to AA but the one in Louisburg is never open. He has walked there several times and people are waiting but the building is locked. He found a place not far from where he goes to class so he can go after class. They have AA meeting all day and other activities. He has to wait for Barb to pick him up after she gets off work. Don't know why the treatment center didn't tell him about the place.
I went to the gym last night thinking I would do a Zumba class but I don't like it. The class is crowded, the music is loud and I can't hear the teacher very well plus I really don't care much for Latin music. I rode a bike for 30 minutes and walked for 15 minutes. I plan to go each evening and at least walk.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
lol no i dont think Zumba would be for you at all if you dont like latin music....but you are right if you go every day and just walk for at least 30 minutes ...you will find you are able to walk farther and farther as the days go by in that 30 minutes.
take care.
Wow, it is sooooo hot out there already. It was 84 degrees upstairs in my house last night at 10pm! David and I spent the evening in the basemen****ching a movie off net-flex on-line. I wear it's about 10 degrees cooler in the basement! I did go out and buy 2 Hunter stainless steel standing oscillating fans yesterday. They were not that much more expensive than the cheap plastic ones and the motors have a 5 year warranty on them. Boy, did they make a difference in our bedroom last night. We had both of them on us. Jake has an old box fan that is metal and is from K-Mart. I'm pretty sure that old fan is one I had while I was growing up. I'm going to have him use one of the oscillating ones tonight and see if it helps him. His room is always so hot!!
Luke is moving back to Emporia today and tomorrow. Brad is moving back to Baker tomorrow. I wish I could say I'm sorry to see them leave but I am EXCITED that they'll be OUT OF MY HOUSE!! David and I are going to reclaim the downstairs. We need to clean the carpet really good. I'm going to take my steam cleaner to the bathroom and the wet bar. David has some drywall to replace and then we'll need to paint just that one wall. We're going to have to start staying down there during the evenings until this weather cools down. It's just too hot! We've already told Jake that he's not allowed to move down there until he can proof to us he can keep his room upstairs clean and his bathroom - which by the looks of it will be NEVER! lol! Jake starts school on Friday.
We've all have bronchitis. That is all of us except Luke. I just finished my Z-Pack and David and Jake are about 1/2 thru their zpack. The doctor gave us a refill for the z pack in case we need it. I'm still coughing a little but nothing like I was. It really stinks being sick when it's this hot!!
Mama Jan - I'm praying for you and your family. It would be great if Michelle could find a really good friend. I'm with you though - you need not to just jump into living with someone you just met and that includes a woman! Maybe it is a God thing and the Lord sent this woman into Michelle's life. He still does things like that!
Jo - Glad to hear the judge is pleased with Greg's progress. Will keep him in my prayers too. I've been going to ask you about The Nook you bought from your co-worker a few weeks ago. Do you like it as much as you thought you would? I'm seriously thinking about asking for that as a birthday/christmas gift. Just wanting to know if you like it as much as you thought you would.
Well, I'm going to try and pick up my kitchen and living room today. Told the boys I'd make them Janet's Chicken Enchilada's for dinner along with home made guacamole. That's one of their favorite meals. I made my first batch of home made guacamole a couple weeks ago and it was Delicious! Got the recipe off the Food Network. Even had all 4 teenagers helping me - Luke, Brad, Jake and J-May. Even with my big country kitchen it was a little crowded with all of us in there! lol!
MO Peeps - Really wish I could make it to the COF meeting on Friday. Would be so great to see all of you!
Everyone stay safe and stay cool!
Debbie D.
Please do pray for Greg. He finishes his classes next Friday. He is anxious to get back to work. There have many obstacles but he's seems determined. My husband has become such a great stepfather. Greg is comfortable talking to Max and Max is always ready to do anything to help him and encourage him. They talk about things he's not going to talk to his mother about.
I have the Kindle and yes I love it as much as I thought I would. So far, I've only gotten free books from Amazon. They download within 60 seconds. I think to download to the Nook you have to use a computer. It's so handy to carry in my purse. I still get books at the library but the Kindle goes to work with me and I use it at lunch.
I'd like that recipe for Janet's Enchiladas.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Now who is Brad? just Lukes friend? im sure you will be glad when Jake starts school it will be pretty quite around there wont it.
Soounds like you all have a lot of work to do to get the basement back to normal lol Hey what sort of steamer do you have , is it a hand held one or what ...and are they really worth it ??
OH how i wish you and several others that post could come down Friday to our meeting or any meeting. it would be so neat. to have you...
Just wanted to pop in real quick and say hi.... I finally got the eye ulcer healed up to the tune of $1200! My goodness am I thankful for Insurance! Even my part was healthy it seemed... leave it up to me to get something like that.
Have been busy as usual. Not working so much now but hopefully it will pick back up in the fall a bit?
The varmints have gotten most of my garden... I guess it's ok as I've not had much interest in it anyway.
The neighbor lady and I made 21 pints of relish and 14 quarts of green beans... going to do salsa next week.
Walked 15 miles yesterday.... I did not even realize I had gone that far... I was listening to the HD radio Crystal got me for my birthday and just kept going.... I was so so silly to leave out without taking my bottle of water but a neighbor offered me a drink so I set on his porch and visited for a bit before heading back home. I have been walking with a 52 year old neighbor lady early in the mornings (six miles) and then going back out in the evenings too... the evenings are frustration control! ~ha
I am hoping to have the last little bit of weight off in the next month and then make an appt. with Dr. Ponnerue (sp) at K.U. Med Center where Barb has her PS. I'm excited about that for sure... as I plan to maybe go back to school and get a permanent job... I'm thinking about an IT degree. Or looking for an Administrative Assistant position? I know I have much more to do in my life now that I got so much of my "sass" back!
Have to go get packed and ready for a bit of a road trip this weekend.
I read when I have time and am always am glad to hear what all you folks are up to.

So want to know what you have done different to get this last amount of weight off. did you switch up your exercise routine. or was it just because you went to work and didnt have access to foods all the time when driving? im so proud of you and you look so different, i cant tell that you even look anything like you did before. You sure do have your SASS back ...lol
Love you and sure wish i could see you
Where you going this week end. you coming down to see daughter in Branson? if so holler even if you dont have any extra time to come out here i would meet you ....miss you a lot. if you are coming down here on your road trip you can come to our meeting on Friday night and that way you will get to see several of us at once.
take care of those eyes. they are precious ,.