OMG its tomorrow already!!
I would have never thought 14 months ago when I was told I had to participate in a 12 month physician supervised diet that this day would come, but it is finally here!!! I cannot even wrap my mind around how much my life is about to change. I have my house in order, and enough jello, broth, and pops for 2 weeks, and even some creamed soups to blend. Now to try and get my daughter to help with keeping the house clean and mowing the lawn while I recuperate...we shall see. I am so excited and terrified at the same time, it makes for an interesting feeling in the pit of your gut lol. Well, wish me luck, not sure I will post again until after, but since I have 2 nights in the hospital I will probably have my laptop with me, so I will let you all know how I am doing.
RAZZ since you wont be reading this until probably tomorrow....know you WILL feel better soon....and then the great and wonderful down hill slide praying for your and your surgery and for the next few days afterwards.