Daily Bible Reading - Sunday - April 18th
Turning those corners in life is what God wants us to do. He wants us to turn them as we follow and trust Him completely. You may be hesitant to turn a corner in your life but always knows that if your following God and talking to Him on a daily basis then when you start to turn that corner God has already made the rest of the turn for you. Once we take that first step, which is the hardest step to take, He will do the rest. It’s always amazing how God brings us as far as we are. When I take the time to sit down and look back at where I was and then turn and see where God has me heading, I am always amazed at how far I have come, you will be too if you only take the time and take that first step forward, like the scripture says, He will never leave you nor forsake you, He will ALWAYS be there no matter which way you turn.
Today’s Reading
Joshua 16:1-18:28
Luke 19:1-27
Psalm 87:1-7
Proverbs 13:11
Daily Devotional
"…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world"
(John 16:33, NIV)
Every day, things come against us in life to try to steal our joy and rob us of our victory. In fact, throughout your whole life, the enemy has had one mission—to kill, steal and destroy your hope, vision and happiness. But I love what it says in today's verse, "take heart." In one translation it says, "Be of good cheer." Now that may seem strange to say right after "in this world you will have trouble," but when we truly understand that we are overcomers in Christ Jesus, we can be joyful no matter what the cir****tances look like. We don't have to allow our emotions to get rattled. We don't have to let our nerves go haywire. We can find rest knowing that Jesus has overcome the world and deprived it of the power to harm us.
We have to remember; the things that happen in this life are temporary. We are in this world but not of it. We need to keep our focus on eternal things, things above. Sure, we will have trouble in this life, but we can stay encouraged because in eternity, we are overcomers through Christ Jesus!
Father God, I humbly come to You today. I ask that You help me stay focused on eternal things. I choose to have joy and peace no matter what comes my way because I know I have the ultimate victory in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.