Daily Bible Reading - Wednesday - March 31st
So what are you all thinking this morning? Did you get up and set you mind on good thoughts? Do you do that on a regular basis, setting your mind on good thoughts for the day? Well to be honest I haven’t really thought about it. I normally get up and just get something to drink and get right into studying the Word for a bit but since I’ve read the devotional this morning and read our scriptures for the day I totally think we can set our own path for the day, set our minds on good thoughts of the Lord for the day and be ready for anything that comes our way, or we can get up and say to ourselves “ is it Monday already? Blah blah blah" and like the devotional says we’ll most likely get bombarded with the everyday cares of life and not be ready, we’ll prolly be distracted with every situation that arises, get upset at the traffic, go bonkers with every phone call and so on, we’ve all had those days where it seemed nothing at all was going right and everyone was purposely trying to get “under our skin" so to speak. I got up early this morning because I just couldn’t sleep from having a headache so I wasn’t feeling much like being my happy go lucky self, then I read the devotional and thought “oops" now that wasn’t the way to get out of bed this morning no matter how I am feeling. I can just imagine if I continued on being a big grouchy or not feeling up to being happy my day would have been heading down the wrong path and everything would of got “under my skin". Well that not gonna happen, no way am I gonna let the ole stinkin devil ruin my day, nu uh, no siree bob, just like we set alarm clocks to wake us up from time to time, Im setting my mind today on the good thoughts of the Lord and my day WILL go down the right path today. Sorry to get on a soap box, I was preaching to myself hahah. I had to get the word embedded into my head this morning. Actually yesterdays devotional just continues on today, I just love it.
Today’s Reading
Deuteronomy 16:1-17:20
Luke 9:7-27
Psalm 72:1-20
Proverbs 12:8-9
Daily Devotional
I Chronicles 22:19
“Now set your mind and heart to seek (inquire of and require as your vital necessity) the Lord your God"
Have you “set your mind" today? In other words, when you woke up this morning, did you make the decision to focus on good things and to follow God with all your heart?
If we don’t set our minds, if we don’t purposely focus our thoughts and energy, then chances are, we’ll be bombarded by the cares of life. We’ll be tossed back and forth by every situation we encounter. We’ll be distracted by every phone call, upset by the traffic, offended by what someone said, and we’ll get off the course God intended. We’ve all heard it said that the best defense is a good offense. When you proactively set your thoughts, you are putting yourself on the offense. You are taking charge of your life. You are being an on-purpose person. You’re redeeming the time.
Make the decision today to set your mind on things above. Set your mind on God’s eternal purposes so that you can stand in the victory He has for you.
Today's thought: Lord today I set my mind on You. I choose to seek You with my whole heart. Thank You for strengthening me with Your peace and joy today.