Just got home from work and it was a bad bad night, well not really except for one residents daughter, man is she ever a piece of work. Crazy as a loon …she is going to sue us for working the aids too much. Lol …
Wasn’t today beautiful got up to 72 here today Joe said. I know when I had to go to work it was 70 sure didn’t want to go to work…
got a phone call from Michele right before I went inside at work and she said she was having a garage sale. She was wanting to know how to clean up her computer….her boyfriends kids who had been living with them for the past 6 months had put all sorts of stuff on her computer and it was so slow. Told her some but she said they had downloaded all sorts of music on it. Will have to call her back tomorrow and tell her that she will have to go in and delete the music because just running a disc clean up wont do it. Anyway knowing kids they have probably used up almost all of her memory with that junk…she said it was so slow it wouldn’t even pick up the internet ……
well im off now till Thursday night then will have the support meeting Friday and then work on Saturday night again. So wont be too bad.
BEC:::: sounds like you had plenty of reason to be tired and hurting after that day of
The potatoes planted like that sounds really great. Wonder if it would work with sweet potatoes? You think? Think I will try it with at least one of the slips I get …we don’t eat enough white potatoes to plant them…but we do eat sweet potatoes.
I never put straw on my strawberries so don’t know if it is too early or not…my plants are already growing like crazy. And for tomatoes for salsa I like the big boys or something that produces nice big juicy tomatoes.
That sounds interesting about your patio …should be pretty. Of course everything you do is pretty. If it still isn’t raining here tomorrow I am getting out some spray paint and painting some of our metal lawn chairs …I want to find some more of the metal lawn chairs . we have two of them and I would love to have several more. I hate all of the fabric ones they just don’t last at all. So I am on the look out for more of the older metal ones or if I can find new ones that will be ok too.
What are you going to do with the gazebo top are you going to use something for the top of your room? Wont the sun be really hot there without the top?
I don’t think there would be anything wrong with using the wood chips for mulch. One year they were down here and they needed to unload a couple of times and I told them they could unload it here. I used it around all sorts of things , not tomatoes but everything else. So I don’t really know but it should be fine.
SUSIE::::: we started to use the grill the other day and didn’t , I think tomorrow since I am off work we will. Maybe some chicken ..
We will be looking for you Friday…
SUSAN:::: Tell Andy thanks for the granola and pickles. They are really good…
I am planting sugar peas one day this week I think….or next I think st. Patricks day is the day you are suppose to plant them and potatoes too.
JEANIE RAE::::: I don’t have trouble getting projects started outside its inside that I have trouble getting things started lol . I keep seeing the sun shining and I cant get outside fast enough. Lol
As soon as the fish start biting we will holler and you and your hubby can rush on down lol .
As soon as I can decide when we could have a boot camp and if everyone would be interested in a 5 day stretch or just a week end will let you know and would love to have you. I am hoping to get a pool soon so as soon as the water would be good and warm …and Sugar my sister will come and lead us in the exercises in that. It would be loads of fun of just us girls getting together and getting a jump start on getting on track again.
Yes Becs house is beautiful…looks like something out of a magazine. You should see it sometime.
Hmmm if where he wants to put the garden has never produced anything then why does he want to put it back there? Is the land too poor or is it too shaded or what? Sounds like you do need a negotiator lol
Going to post this it is 12:30 at night and im tired…so good night see you on the flip side..
jan i think i know who you are talking about at the home.she sure is a piece of work.lol.i work on thursday and sat so i will see you then.might see you all depend's what time you come in for your check on wednesday.
did you get out of having to come in and meet with the insurance man?i saw your name by the time clock.when i was a new worker i had to meet with him too even though i did not take the insurance.it is this tuesday from 800am to 1100 am.it only took me a few minutes i had to sign a paper saying i did not want the insurance.
bec i would be tired too if i did all the thing's you did the other day around your house.you do have a pretty house and are alway's doing something new to it.now not too much playing around on your new gator.lol.
susie are you working full time yet at the school?that sure will keep you busy.we love grilled meat.this weather is perfect to get a grilled started.
jeanie rae please let us know who your meeting goes tonight for you.we know you can hardly wait to get a surgery date.it will be here before you know it.
we love you all.have a great day.catch you later on.god bless.susan.
I just got up the reminder for COF...I'm not sure if I'll be on the net anymore this week...will be out of town till Friday afternoon, just in time for the meeting! It's my Spring break!!!! YES!
Haven't heard from the food addictions speaker yet so not sure if she'll make it this month or not. She was still working out childcare, but will let me know. We have a plan B.
My oldest got her license last week! Just in time since I will be gone this week....she can help out with transportation to and from all the school stuff they both have.
Well, gotta run...I'll get an email out to everyone before I leave...if not, looks like I'll be taking my laptop with me!
openRNY 4/04
I had a busy but productive weekend. Someone had brought me a T-shirt quilt to put together months ago and I kept putting off doing it. She is going to see the person it's for next weekend so I had to get busy. The shirt blocks were sewns together with 5 in a row and there are 5 rows. I sewed the sashing between the rows so I made some extra cash. So glad to get it done. I have a T-shirt quilt for my husband made from shirts from the Blades hockey team that used to be here. I had it partially put together but just didn't like it so last night I ripped it out.
My Stephan Ministers class was yesterday afternoon so I was stuck in the basement of the church, no windows, from 3-5:30. Only 2 classes left. The sun was shining and I so wanted to stay home and enjoy the sunlight.
I took treats for the group. I made Chickpea Dip and everyone liked it. It is very healthy. I also took Spinach Artichoke Dip and Brownies. I had a brownie mix in the pantry and since hubby has pretty much cut out sugar, I thought it was a good way to get rid of it. One lady is very, very large and is diabetic. She is always first to get her treats and eats everything even though she says she has to watch her sugar.
I made Andy's recipe for Granola and it's very good. I just had about 1/4 cup in Fage. Delicious. I've tried so many yogurts but I just don't care for them, but I love Fage. Wi**** wasn't so expensive. It's $6.19 for 4 servings.
Anyone watch Amazing Race? I love seeing all the different countries. Some of the things they have them do is outrageous.
Supposed to start raining about 5 pm, but then how do they know the time. Most of the time the weather people are wrong.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Good Afternoon Mama Jan & Mo Peeps!
Well, I got up and made it to the 8:30 am Water Aerobics Class at the YMCA! Boy, is my body aching! I walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill at the gym on Friday and Saturday. Didn't do any exercise yesterday. Did a little over an hour today. I'm going to try and get to water aerobics at least 3 days a week and Lord willing walk the treadmill the other days. The way I feel right now though, I'm just hoping my body will adjust soon!
Jake & Luke's Spring Break starts this Friday. Guess I'm going to have to figure out a menu for the week Luke's home. He says he HATES the cafeteria food at school. Plus he says it's all carbs and really bad for you. I told him carbs are a lot cheaper and it doesn't surprise me that the colleges serve a lot of that stuff.
Well, it's after 3:00 and I am totally exhausted. Going to go lay down in my recliner for an hour or so. Then will warm up dinner. Already have a pork tenderloin cooked and baked beans. Will also have a salad and that will be dinner for tonight.
Hope all of you have a GREAT MONDAY! The weather is cloudy but it's 64 degrees and I am happy!! :)
Debbie D.
Good evening OH,
Had a pretty good day, even though it started out not too good, got woke up early and had to go bail my youngest out of jail, unfortunately he didn't take care of an old ticket and one of our locals stopped him. Got it taken care of and spent the day at home just kicking back.
Went to Dr. E's support group, it was really a good meeting, had about 50/50 RNY, and Lap Band both post op's and pre-ops.
Learned a little about after surgery and got to hear some of the experiences of some long-timers.
So all in all I think it's important to continue with both of the support groups. I did get to meet a post-op that lives close to me and maybe we can carpool to Dr. E's. I invited her to the COF she might just do it. She has here surgery next week.
Jan~Let us know we are getting our fishing gear ready. A friend of ours went to Truman Lake, under the Dam and caught 1 crappie a big catfish and about a 10 pound hybrid. He usually gets loads of catfish.
I lucked out and didn't get rained on tonight, but it sure looked like it could start any minute.
Need to close this and go to bed. Gonna go in to Springfield in the morning to see if we can get a job.
Have a good day tomorrow everyone, Talk to ya later.